July 7th, 2017 – Twin Ridge Elementary
Work is full swing for the work scheduled for the renovation work included in the life safety /mechanical update project that is occurring at Twin Ridge. The new chiller has been installed and work in the main mechanical room for the new heating and cooling work will be completed by July 15th. The remaining work in the building for the fire sprinkler, intercom and technology installation, and the heating unit work within the classroom areas is scheduled to be completed by the first day of classes.
July 7th, 2017 – Bertha Barber Elementary
Work is full swing for the work scheduled for the renovation work included in the life safety /mechanical update project that is occurring at Bertha Barber. The new chiller unit has been placed and new interior fan coil units have arrived on site for installation. The fire sprinkler system piping is 90% completed at this time. Work on this project is on schedule for substantial completion the first week of August.
July 7th, 2017 – Bellevue East
A selection committee recently met to interview five mechanical/electrical engineering firms for the planned HVAC renovation work at Bellevue East. A recommendation will be placed on the July 10th Bellevue School Board meeting to approve the selection of Advanced Engineering Systems, Inc. (AES) to start preliminary design work for the HVAC renovation and upgrades for the building systems. Once AES has had a better opportunity to analyze the existing building systems, preliminary options will be presented to the District Administration and the Bellevue School Board on moving forward. Updated anticipated timelines will be prepared as this work moves forward on this project.
July 7th, 2017 – Bellevue East
Field Replacement Project
Work was completed earlier this week on the replacement of the existing field at East High! The work was completed approximately a week ahead of schedule so the surface is now ready for school use for the start of band and football camps!.