February 21, 2019 – Birchcrest Elementary School
Work is scheduled to begin in mid-May on the renovation of Birchcrest Elementary School. The bulk of the work within the building will be the renovation/replacement of the existing boiler heating/ chiller cooling systems within the building with a Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) heating and cooling system. This is a highly energy efficient system that provides individual control in room areas and is anticipated that the new heating and cooling system will save a considerable amount of utility and maintenance savings to the District over the life of the system. Also included in the project is the inclusion of a new fire sprinkler system throughout the building and a new secured building entrance for the school.
Also included in ongoing work for this summer is the replacement of the existing roof system over the entire building. The existing roof system was previously identified in a previously conducted roof survey as a roof system in need for replacement due to age and ongoing roof issues. It is anticipated that the bulk of the work included in this project will be completed by early August, which coincides with the start of the 2019-2020 school year. Due to the size of the HVAC project, there may be some remaining work that will be ongoing into September, but it is anticipated that all work in the building will be completed by early fall 2019.