October 18 – Bellevue West

Roof Projects
The roofing work for the first round of roof replacement work scheduled for Bellevue West is moving forward. Work is ongoing in Area 1 (Northwest quadrant) and the work in that area and will be moving over to Area 2 (Language Classrooms). Work on the north portion of the building will be completed the week of 10/23/17 and then will shift over to the south end of the building to the shop classroom area and the roof area over the pool. Roofing work is anticipated on being completed in early November.

A contract has also been awarded to Controlled Comfort, Inc. on extending six existing rooftop unit curbs in the areas of work to allow flashing work to be performed on the roof curbs. This work will be coordinated with the installation of the roofing work that will be performed in these respective roof areas.