January 2, 2018 – Bellevue West

Roof Projects: The roofing work for the first round of roof replacement work scheduled for Bellevue West is progressing. Roofing work has been completed in Area 1 (Northwest quadrant), Area 2 (Language Classrooms) and the Shop/Technology wing. Roofing work has started on the area over the existing Pool area but has been temporarily halted due to extreme cold weather. Once there is a break in the weather, roofing work will resume and should be completed within approximately two weeks (weather dependent). Work was delayed somewhat during the late fall due to persistent high wind conditions.

Shop Ventilation Upgrade Project: Work will begin in late March, 2018 for the replacement of two mechanical units located over the welding shop at Bellevue West. The existing rooftop units are existing units dating back to when the school first opened in 1977. The existing units have deteriorated to a point where water is continually entering the building through the units. It is anticipated that the mechanical work in and over the shop area will be completed over the Spring Break period and back in operation in early April.