January 18, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes January 18, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Mike Hall Sarah Centineo
Sharon Hammarlund Doug Cook
Mike Parker Amanda Oliver
Doug Yenzer John Campbell
 Jim Hawkins Robert Moore

The meeting began at 6:04 p.m. at Avery Elementary.

Bellevue East HVAC – Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) is proceeding with the design development plans of the mechanical systems upgrade at Bellevue East. AES will be presenting updates to the district administration, Bellevue East administration and Bond Oversight Committee on January 23rd at Bellevue East. Optimized Systems was selected as the Building Commissioning Engineer by the Board at the January, 2018 Board meeting. They will also be in attendance to answer questions, along with giving an overview of their services they will provide throughout the project.

Technology – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared training for teachers continues for iPads. There were not any other updates for technology.

Bertha Barber, LeMay and Twin Ridge projects are in the final stages of the punch list work that needs to be completed. The final pay requests are being processed.

Bellevue West Roofing – The roof over the pool area is completed except for the miscellaneous flashing that will be finished in the next few weeks pending weather conditions. Also, the metal cap flashing will be completed once the weather breaks.

Leonard Lawrence Roofing – Work continues on the wall panels and final trim work.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation – During the January, 2018 Board meeting it was approved to proceed with the replacement of the shop ventilation units at Bellevue West with MAU units. Ray Martin Company was awarded the contract for $189,000. Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture shared the equipment should take 6-8 weeks for delivery. This would coincide with spring break for the district, which during that time the new units would be installed. Mr. Gladbach will work with the administration at Bellevue West and the contractor to coordinate the timing of the project.

Pay Requests – There are not any pay requests at this time that will be presented to the Board in February.

Bellevue East North Gym Roof – During the December 4th Board meeting the Board awarded 10 Men Roofing with the contract to replace the roof over the north gym at Bellevue East. Pending weather conditions work should begin in late February or early March, 2018.

Bertha Barber, Betz, and Wake Robin Roofs – At the December 4th Board meeting the Board approved GP Architecture to solicit bids for complete roof replacements at the three elementary schools.

Bertha Barber – Mr. Gladbach received 13 bids from contractors for the Bertha Barber project. It will be recommended to the Board at the February 8th Board meeting to proceed with the bid from Bradco Company in the amount of $138,000. This is less then the estimate the district received from the roofing study that was completed by Roofing Solutions out of Kanas City. The completion window for the project would be August 8th before school is back in session.

Betz –Mr. Gladbach received 11 bids from contractors for the project. The company with the lowest bid was significantly less then the others. Mr. Gladbach has requested additional information from the apparent low contractor. Additional research of the company will be completed by Mr. Gladbach. Once the information is received, Mr. Gladbach will update the Bond Oversight Committee before presenting the recommendation to the Board.

Wake Robin – Mr. Gladbach completed a walk thru with contractors on January 18th to review the roofing project at Wake Robin. Bids will be received on January 25th. Once all information is received Mr. Gladbach will update the Committee before presenting the bid to the Board.

Peter Sarpy, Twin Ridge, LeMay and Mission Partial Roof Replacements – At the December 4th Board meeting the Board approved GP Architecture to solicit bids for the buildings for partial roof replacements. The bid opening will be on February 6th. The bid information will be presented to the Committee at the February Bond Oversight meeting. Mr. Gladbach will then ask the Board for approval to proceed with a contractor at the March Board meeting.

Bellevue East – The planned roof replacement for East High will be bid separately from the HVAC upgrade project that is planned to be completed at Bellevue East. The contractor awarded the roofing project will be directed to work with selected building contractor for the HVAC project to coordinate the timing of the roof replacement of key area’s. Bids for the roofing project(s) will be brought back to the Board for approval later in the spring.

Avery – It was approved at the December 4th Board meeting to solicit bids for Life Safety/HVAC upgrades at Avery. After reviewing the building, the front vestibule will be restructured, by revamping the front office and enclosing the stairwells that will meet building codes. This is due to security issues.

Fire sprinklers will be installed throughout the building per the requirements of the fire marshal. The same updates will take place at Peter Sarpy and Betz.

Betz and Peter Sarpy – At the January, 2018 Board meeting it was approved for Mr. Gladbach to solicit bids for a VRF system at Betz and Peter Sarpy. The VRF system would replace the current chiller/boiler systems. Mr. Gladbach is working with the engineer to get a timetable and distribution of plans so the bidding process can begin. Mr. Gladbach will work with building administration at both buildings to start looking at a schedule. The goal is to have the systems working by the start of the 2019 school year, but it may carryover into the fall.

2018 Projects – Mr. Gladbach gave an update of the projects slated for 2018.

Tracks – At the January, 2018 Board meeting it was approved for GP Architecture to solicit bids to resurface the tracks at two of the middle schools. Mr. Gladbach brought in a civil engineer to take a deeper look into the tracks at the three of the middle schools. It was originally identified from the Jacobs review that Logan and Lewis and Clark were in need of resurfacing. After the recent review it was determined that Logan and Mission were most suited for the resurface.

Mr. Gladbach also will have the tracks at Bellevue East and West analyzed by Midwest Tennis and Track. It will then be determined if the tracks need to be replaced or if an overlay can be completed. There is a possibility the district could be eligible for the recycling grant offered thru the NDEQ Grant. This is the same grant the district is receiving for the football fields. Mr. Gladbach also shared samples of the overlay that could possibly be used on all the tracks if cost efficient.

Bellevue East Pool – Three years ago Jacobs hired an outside vendor to analyze all the pools in the district. At that time it was identified that Bellevue East needed the pool plaster refinished. Mr. Gladbach will work on an RFQ for specifically pool installers to complete the project.

Lighting – The pole mounted lights in the parking lot at Bellevue East would be changed to LED lights, which are more efficient. This would be a part of the HVAC upgrade package with the electrical contractor who will be tied in with that particular project.

Lied Center – Bill Richards, Director of Grounds and Activities continues to research products for replacing the floor and track at the Lied Center. The replacement of the floor and track would not qualify for the NDEQ grant.

Scoreboards – Lewis and Clark and Logan currently do not have scoreboards on their football fields. The district would like to install simple scoreboards at both middle schools and were identified in the Bond Program. Bids will be solicited to combine both scoreboards into one package for better pricing.

Logan and Mission – The gym bleachers at both Logan and Mission need to be replaced and will be installed with provisions so they will meet the ADA requirements. When going out for bids Mr. Gladbach would make this a package deal to get better pricing on the project and materials.

Safety/Security – Mr. Boettger did not have any updates at this time.

Transportation – The district did receive the final three buses that were ordered in March, 2017.

BPS Bond Website – Mr. Gladbach updated the Committee on the BPS Bond website and continues to work with the website designer on making changes.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, February 15th. The location has yet to be determined.

John Campbell the Principal at Avery then gave the Committee a tour of the building to better understand the changes that would take place in the front vestibule for safety/security improvements.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards