February 15, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes February 15, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Sharon Hammarlund Sarah Centineo
Jim Hawkins Doug Cook
Mike Parker Amanda Oliver
Doug Yenzer Kathy Boeve
  Robert Moore
   Bill Richards
   Phil Davidson

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Betz Elementary.

Bellevue East HVAC – Ralph Gladbach of GP Architecture gave an update on the Bellevue East HVAC system upgrade. The design team on the project is working towards having the final construction documents completed and bidding to begin by the end of February. These bids would be presented to the Board at the April 2nd Board meeting. Mr. Gladbach researched six different manufactures and it was determined there will be an overall bid package request sent to Dyken, LG, Trane, and Mitsubishi. All of these manufactures do have local representatives that can service the equipment, along with a quick turnaround time for delivery of equipment. These bids would be requested by the end of March, to be present at the April 2nd Board meeting. Also, Mr. Gladbach is determining the final schedule pending the mechanical engineer’s timeframe.

There will be minimal demolition completed on the old system at Bellevue East. The boilers/chillers will be removed, along with some fan coils and duct work pending the locations. This is per the engineers plans. From a district standpoint at this time the old equipment will not be removed, unless there is a safety issue. Also, as other projects are completed in classrooms and in the building, some of the demolition work may be completed at that time. The district will not solicit bids for the demolition work.

The group held a discussion on the continued roles and responsibilities of the committee. The Board members in attendance also participated in the discussion.

Technology – At this time Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology did not have an update on technology.

LeMay – Mr. Gladbach and the district were notified by the bonding company that TIJ Construction was defaulting on final payments to subcontractors. The bonding company which protects the district, will handle final payments to those subcontractors that were not paid by TIJ Construction.

Leonard Lawrence Roof – The contractor notified Mr. Gladbach that the work has been completed. Once the weather breaks and snow melts a walkthrough will be completed.

Bellevue West Roof – The flat roof area has been completed. Once the weather breaks and snow melts the metal cap flashing will be installed.

Pay Request – There will not be any pay request submitted for the March Board meeting to be approved.

Bellevue East North Gym – The Board awarded 10 Men Roofing the contract to replace the roof over the Bellevue East North gym at the December, 2017 Board meeting. The work has not begun due to weather. Mr. Gladbach anticipates the work to start at the end of February.

Bertha Barber and Betz Roofing – Mr. Gladbach met with Mejia Roofing which the Board approved their bid at the February 8th Board meeting for the roofs at Bertha Barber and Betz. During the meeting the contract and timeline for the projects were discussed.

Miscellaneous Roof Projects – There were 10 bids received for the partial roof replacements at LeMay, Peter Sarpy, Twin Ridge, and Mission. The low bidder was Mejia Roofing. The bids will be presented at the March Board meeting for approval.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation Project – Ray Martin Company continues to wait for the equipment to be delivered. It is anticipated the work will be completed and fully functional when students are on spring break in March.

Avery – Design works continues for Avery with bids being received by March 23rd, so they can be presented at the April 2nd Board meeting.

Betz and Peter Sarpy Life Safety/HVAC Upgrades – Design work has started on these two projects with bids being received by late April and presented to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Bellevue West Lighting – The district has slated the lighting at the Bellevue West football stadium to be replaced as a project to be completed in 2018. Mr. Gladbach will ask the Board for approval to go to bid at the March 5th Board meeting.

Tracks – Mr. Gladbach continues to research the best possibilities for the track projects at both high schools and three middle schools.

Safety/Security – Mr. Boettger did not have any updates on Safety/Security at this time.

Transportation – Mr. Casey, Director of Transportation was unable to attend the meeting, but Dr. Rippe shared the buses ordered in March, 2017 have all been received. The district continues to wait for buses that were ordered in 2018.

Bond Website – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with the web designer on adding additional information to the Bond website.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be either March 15th or March 27th pending the receipt of bids. Notification of the meeting will be on the Bellevue Public Schools website. The Committee will meet at the BPS Welcome Center. Kathy Boeve the Principal at Betz then gave the Committee a tour of the building to better understand the projects to be completed.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards