March 27, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes March 27, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Sharon Hammarlund Amanda Oliver
Mike Hall Doug Cook
Doug Yenzer Bill Richards
Phil Davidson
Dr. Jeff Wagner

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Betz Elementary.

Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology presented information to the Committee showing the cost of new audio/visual upgrades for the band and music rooms at both high schools. Mr. Boettger spoke with the teachers at both high schools to determine what the needs and wants are for the rooms. It was then determined what upgrades would be appropriate for each of the band and music rooms. These upgrades are included in the technology budget for the bond and will appear as a separate line item on the budget spreadsheet by Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture.

Bellevue East HVAC Project
There were 5 bids received on March 26th for the Bellevue East HVAC  project.  The total cost of the project will be $8,200,000 which was received by Lueder Construction. This includes the materials for a VRF system, installation, construction, demolition of designated areas, and electrical costs.  This bid does not include the replastering of the pool, auditorium upgrades and other projects slated for Bellevue East that are within the scope of the bond.

Mr. Gladbach also shared he met with the Fire Marshal from Bellevue and Bellevue East does meet all fire sprinkler requirements. So, at this time the system is up to code and no work is needed. Also, the Committee expressed concern with the safety and security of contractors having access to the building when staff and students are present. There was a discussion held on background checks, I9, and E-Verify, along with security and access points. Mr. Gladbach will work with Lueder Construction, Bellevue East Administration and District Administration on these concerns. Information will be shared with the Committee at the April Bond Oversight Committee Meeting.

Mr. Gladbach discussed the main roof at Bellevue East that will be completed in conjunction with the HVAC project over a two-year time period. Plans have been completed and bids will be received on April 11th with a recommendation to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Leonard Lawrence
The roof project has been completed. Once the weather breaks, Mr. Gladbach will schedule a punch list walk over with the contractor.

Bertha Barber and Twin Ridge
The Ray Martin Company is finalizing the project information so the final project requirements are completed.

Bellevue West Roof
The contractor is waiting for the roof top replacement units and completing the flashing work. This project is almost complete.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation
There was a slight delay from the manufacture in receiving the materials, but the project is back on track. The units are in place, along with the duct work which is almost complete. The shop area is expected to be available for students when they return from spring break on April 2nd.

Bellevue East North Gym
Mr. Gladbach met with 10 Men Roofing which were awarded the contract to complete the north gym roof. A meeting was scheduled to discuss building access, safety/security procedures and scheduling. Pending weather conditions, the contractor estimates the project will take approximately three weeks to complete.

Bertha Barber Roof
Bradco Company was awarded the contract to replace the roof at Bertha Barber. Mr. Gladbach will meet with the contractor and administration to coordinate a schedule.

Betz Roof
Mejia Roofing will begin work on the roof replacement when school is dismissed for the summer.

Wake Robin Roof
Mr. Gladbach met with Mejia Roofing who will be replacing the Wake Robin roof once the Betz roof is completed. The estimated start date for Wake Robin is end of June, 2018.

Miscellaneous Roof Projects
Mr. Gladbach gave an update on the partial roof replacements at LeMay, Twin Ridge, Mission and Peter Sarpy that will also be completed by Mejia Roofing Company.

Bellevue East Main Gym Roof
The roof replacement over the main gym at Bellevue East is not in conjunction with the HVAC project. The plans have been completed and bids will be received on April 12th, with a recommendation to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Avery Life Safety/HVAC Project
Mr. Gladbach received 5 bids on March 23rd for this project and discussed the bond budget cost with the Committee. At the time of bidding, Mr. Gladbach asked for the cost to replace the boiler and air handler at the same time as the other projects at Avery. Mr. Gladbach gave the rationale of how it would save the district money to replace these items now versus at a later date. The total cost from Lueder Construction would be $975,700 for all projects slated for Avery, along with the replacing the boiler and air handler. The Committee agreed it would be best to complete the work at this time. Mr. Gladbach will make a recommendation to the Board for approval at the April 2nd Board meeting.

Betz Life Safety/HVAC Upgrade
The plans have been completed and bids will be received on April 16th. The bids will be reviewed during the April Bond Oversight Committee meeting before being presented to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Peter Sarpy Life Safety/HVAC Upgrade
The plans are almost completed for the project and bids will be received on April 25th. The bids will be reviewed during the April Bond Oversight Committee meeting before being presented to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Bellevue West Stadium Lighting
Mr. Gladbach met with Musco Lighting to determine different options for replacing the lighting at the Bellevue West stadium. Mr. Gladbach is trying to contact the original contractor to determine if the current poles are able to be used or if they will be replaced. Also, OPPD does not offer a rebate for the lighting replacement as offered for the replacement of the Lied Activity Center lighting.

Bellevue East Pool
Mr. Gladbach has met with school administration in regards to the scope of work that needs to be completed for the project. Bids will be received the week of April 2nd and a recommendation will be made to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Track Upgrades
Research continues for different options for the tracks at the three middles schools and both high schools. Once completed the district will determine which tracks will be completed.

Mr. Gladbach has reached out to 4 different manufactures for recommendation for seating layouts that are ADA approved for the replacement of the gymnasium bleachers at Logan and Mission Middle Schools. Once received, bid packages will be submitted.

Lied Activity Center Flooring and Track Surface
Bill Richards, Director of Activities and Grounds shared the cost of materials by Mondo Flooring to replace the athletic flooring and running track at the Lied Activity Center. Mondo Flooring provided a list of certified installers in the area and recommended to the district to receive at least 3 or 4 bids for the installation. The Committee was concerned if the flooring would meet the ADA requirements, which has already been determined that it will. Mr. Richards will make a recommendation to the Board at the April 2nd meeting to purchase the materials at this time, then receive installation bids at a later date. The plan is to have the flooring installed in July and August, prior to the school year beginning.

Mr. Richards is working on getting three package bids for new scoreboards for the fields at Logan and Lewis and Clark Middle Schools. Currently the two fields do not have scoreboards. The package would include installation, materials and electrical work. The bids will be presented to the Committee at the April Committee meeting. Mr. Richards is also getting pricing on possibly replacing the scoreboard at Mission Middle School.

Safety and Security
Mr. Boettger is working with Prime to get quotes on safety and security upgrades for the secondary buildings and three elementary buildings. This would include additional security for doors and vestibules. The quotes should be available for the April Committee meeting.

Website Updates
Mr. Gladbach has been working with the web designer to update the Bond Website to add additional information. The Committee at end of the meeting took time to discuss any additional feedback, concerns or questions they had for the administration. Mr. Carozza also asked for feedback on the report he presents to the Board each month.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Monday, April 30th at Peter Sarpy.