January 21, 2021


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes January 21, 2021

Attendance Others In Attendance
Thomas Birk Jeff Rippe
John Carozza Ralph Gladbach
Sharon Hammerlund Greg Boettger
Jim Hawkins
Mike Parker
Not in Attendance:
Bill Baldwin

The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Pay Requests – At following pay requests will be submitted for approval at the February 8th Board of
Education meeting.

  • Bellevue West Roof (10 Men)                 $83,550

Mr. Gladbach reported Ray Martin Co. continue to finalize and close out projects throughout the district.

Bellevue West Elevator – The state elevator conducted the re-inspection for the Bellevue West elevator
on January 21st, which was approved and certified. The elevator was granted a temporary waiver for the
fire alarm, which will be replaced during the summer. This project is complete.

Bellevue West Gym HVAC Project – Mr. Gladbach reported the shop drawings for the equipment for the
HVAC project at Bellevue West have been processed. The equipment is anticipated to arrive early March.
Mr. Gladbach will work with building administration to coordinate the project with activities taking place.
The installation is scheduled during Spring break in March, with the majority of the work being completed
by the first week in April.

Bellevue West Auditorium – An update on the auditorium project at Bellevue West was provided.
Discussions continue with district administration, building administration/staff on the preliminary plans for
the auditorium. The district has narrowed down the project to one master plan, with bid alternates that
could be part of the scope of the project depending on budget costs. Additional information will be shared
with the Committee as they come available.

Safety/Security – There were not any updates for Technology.

Transportation – Mr. Gladbach reported one of the International buses that were approved for purchase
at the December 7th Board meeting is anticipated to arrive in February, 2021. The delivery date for the other
buses is yet to be determined.

2021 Projects –At the January 11th Board meeting it was approved for GP Architecture to prepare the RFP
and solicit bids for the partial roof replacements at Mission, CHAP, Bellevue East and Bellevue West. Mr.
Gladbach reported bids will be received on February 2nd for the Bellevue West project. The information
will be shared with the Committee prior to presenting to the Board for approval at the February 8th Board
meeting. The other roof bids should be received prior to the next Committee meeting.

CHAP HVAC – At the January 11th Board meeting it was approved for GP Architecture to prepare the
RFP and solicit bids for the replacement of the HVAC system at CHAP to a VRF system. Mr. Gladbach
is working with AES on the design and anticipates plans to be available by the end of January. Bids will
then be received in February and presented to the Board for approval at the March 8th Board meeting.

CTE Building – Discussion continue with the District for the possible start of phase 2 of the CTE building
remodel and other programs to begin for the 2021. Once bids are received back from the Bellevue West
auditorium project, this will give the district an idea of how much funding will then be available to move
forward with phase 2.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. The next meeting is February 18th at 5:30 p.m. and will
be held via Zoom.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards