May 8, 2018 – Bellevue East

HVAC Project
Bids were received on March 26th, 2018 for the proposed renovation of the heating and cooling systems at Bellevue East High School. Some early previous estimates for the renovation and replacement of the existing system was anticipated to put the cost of the replacement at around $11 million. Bids on the project actually came in much lower than what was anticipated at $8.2 million. The Bellevue School Board voted on April 2nd to proceed with the project and award the project to Lueder Construction Company. Work on the project will begin in late May of 2018 after the end of the school year. The early estimates on the construction timelines puts completion of all of the work sometime in late 2019. Work will be phased through the building during the 2018-2019 school year with the 2018 and 2019 summers focusing on a lot of the major work.