May 8, 2018 – Bellevue East

Roof Projects
The Bellevue School Board has awarded a Contract to 10 Men Roofing, Inc. to complete the replacement of the existing roof system over the North Gym area at Bellevue East. Work on the project was started in early April and the roofing work for this building wing has been completed.

Bids have been received on two other roof projects at Bellevue East. The existing roof over the main gym area is scheduled to be replaced in the summer of 2018 and will be completed by Bradco Company. Another project includes multiple roof sections that will be heavily tied to the concurrent HVAC project. A number of new rooftop units and pieces of mechanical equipment will be placed on the roof and roof areas identified as high priority replacement areas will be replaced in conjunction with the HVAC project. This project has been awarded to McCoy Construction Company and work will be completed in 2018 and extending into 2019 and will be coordinated and phased in with the concurrent HVAC project.