April 30, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes April 30, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Sharon Hammarlund Amanda Oliver
Mike Hall Doug Cook
Doug Yenzer Bill Richards
 Jim Hawkins Phil Davidson
Dr. Jeff Wagner
Not In Attendance Dr. Robert Moore
 Mike Parker Sarah Centineo
Dr. Jeff Wagner
Jeremy Weber

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Peter Sarpy Elementary.

Cody Wickham from DA Davidson attended the meeting to give the Committee an overview of the current bond market. The administration will make a recommendation to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting to sell another $10,000,000 in bank qualified bonds before the possibility of a rate hike in June.

Bellevue East Safety/Security

At the Bond Oversight Meeting in March there was a discussion on the security at Bellevue East during the installation of the new HVAC system. Dr. Jeff Wagner, Principal at Bellevue East attended the meeting to share the plan that was created by the building and district administration, Lueder Construction and Ralph Gladbach. With the plan, there will be minimal cost to the district. Also, there was a concern at the last meeting regarding background checks. Lueder Construction and Ray Martin Co. (the major mechanical/electrical subcontractor) already completes background checks of their employees. Lueder will assist with other subcontractors on the site to try to ascertain backgrounds/checks on the other contractors.

Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology will be presenting to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting a proposal to purchase 120 Mac Airs and 4 carts from Apple in the amount of $91,000. The new computers will replace 4 computer labs at both of the high schools. The carts would make the labs mobile and could be used throughout the buildings. This project is part of the technology budget for the bond.

Pay Requests
There will be two pay requests for Mejia Roofing and Bradco Company that will be submitted for the May Board meeting to be approved.

Bellevue East North Gym
The roofing project over the north gym has been completed and a final punch list walkthrough will be finalized. This will be scheduled in the next few weeks. Bertha Barber

Roof Replacement
Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture will have a pre-construction meeting with Bradco Company who the Board approved to complete a full roof replacement. This meeting will be to prepare the preliminary paper work and schedule for work to begin on June 1st. It was shared that summer school for students at Bertha Barber will be moved to Central.

Betz Roof Replacement
The Board approved Mejia Roofing to complete a full roof replacement at Betz. Mr. Gladbach held a pre-construction meeting with the contractor to determine the start date of May 28th or 29th to begin work on the roof.

Wake Robin Roof Replacement
The Board approved Mejia Roofing to complete a full roof replacement at Wake Robin. Mr. Gladbach and Mejia Roofing will meet with the Wake Robin staff in the next few weeks for scheduling, but work will likely begin mid-summer after most of the work is completed by Mejia Roofing at Betz Elementary.

Bellevue East Gym Roof
There were six bids received on April 12th for the Bellevue East Gym roof. The cost of the project will be $240,000 which was submitted by Bradco Company. Mr. Gladbach will work with the building administration and the contractor for scheduling to work around the use of the gym. This bid will be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Bellevue East HVAC Roof
There were 5 bids received for the Bellevue East Roofing project that will coincide with the HVAC project. The cost of the project will be $735,000 which was submitted by McCoy Construction. Since the bid was much less than the other bids received, Mr. Gladbach and the District completed due diligence on the contractor.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation
The contractor completed the shop ventilation project with full use by students upon their return from spring break in March. Bradco Company did encounter a few challenges that were unexpected that ca used a cost increase. Mr. Gladbach will share the final cost at the next Committee meeting.

Avery Life Safety/HVAC Upgrade
The Board approved Lueder Construction to complete the Life Safety/HVAC project at Avery. A pre-construction meeting took place on April 13th with the contractor and school administration to create a timetable. Work will begin at the end of May pending weather conditions with completion by August 8th before the new school year starts.

Betz Life Safety/HVAC Upgrade
There were bids received for the Betz HVAC project on April 16th. Lueder Construction was the lowest bid at $1,547,000 to install a new VRF system. Part of the cost will be paid for by district funds. The bid will be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Peter Sarpy Life Safety/HVAC Upgrade
There were 4 bids received for the Peter Sarpy HVAC project on April 26th. Lueder Construction was again the lowest bid at $2,609,000. This bid is for a new VRF system, new lighting, suspended ceiling in classrooms and a new fire sprinkler system. Also, there have been issues in the past with the water line and waste line that will both be replaced. The fresh air units that will be outside will have walls built around them to meet code to hide the units. The bid will be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Bellevue West Field Lighting
Mr. Gladbach over the last few months has been working with engineers and Musco Lighting, which is a national company whose focus is athletic fields, on different options for new light fixtures at the Bellevue West stadium. The current poles are approximately 40 years old with a life expectancy of 50 years. With the replacement of the lights to LED, the current poles would need to be replaced with galvanized poles. The current poles would not be able to withstand the weight of the new LED lights and with galvanized poles, this would extend the life expectancy to roughly 75 years. Also, changing to LED lighting, this would be a cost savings each year to the district in utility costs. Musco Lighting submitted a price quote in the amount of $213,000 for the materials, which would include the galvanized poles. Also, the lights and poles would have a 25-year warranty if both are replaced. Mr. Gladbach is waiting for a budget labor cost, which will be received by the end of the week. This information will be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Bellevue East Pool
Mr. Gladbach received 2 bids on April26th for the Bellevue East pool projects that need to be completed. With the narrow scope of work, only 2 contractors were solicited for the project. Trophy Construction submitted the apparent low bid in the amount of $83,822. Also, as part of the work new starting blocks will be purchased directly by the District and installed by the contractor in the amount of $24,573. The bid will be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Track Repair/Replacement
Mr. Gladbach has been working with a field consultant and civil engineer to review the tracks at the three middle schools and two high schools. In the bond budget it was allowed for Bellevue East, Logan, and Lewis and Clark to have repairs/replacements completed on the track. After the review of all tracks, it was determined that Bellevue West and Mission were in worse condition than the tracks previously identified. Mr. Gladbach has researched different options for the replacement of the tracks. It was determined based on the options and cost, that all five tracks could be replaced and still be within the budgeted amount for track systems similar to the track currently found at Bellevue West. The proposed crumb rubber surfacing would be eligible for the recycled rubber grant offered by the State of Nebraska. (This is the same grant that was applied for when replacing the football fields.) The application process does not start until January, 2019. TD2 Engineering and Surveying provided an estimated cost to complete the project. The information will be presented to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting for discussion.

There were 5 bids received on April 16th for the replacement of gymnasium bleachers at Logan and Mission. Heartland Seating was the low bid in the amount of $141,755 to replace both sets of bleachers that will be ADA compliant. This total cost is under the bond budgeted amount for bleachers. Also, there was a discussion of replacing the gymnasium bleachers at Bellevue West that are of a safety concern and have mechanical issues. Mr. Boettger received 2 bids for replacement of these bleachers. It was presented to the Committee to use the remaining funds that were bond budgeted to replace the Bellevue West bleachers that would be ADA compliant. The Committee agreed with the proposal, whichwill be presented to the Board for approval at the May 7th Board meeting.

Lied Activity Center Flooring
Bill Richards, Director of Activities and Grounds received only 1 bid out of 3 for the installation of the athletic flooring and track at the Lied Activ ity Center. The bid was received from Kiefer USA in the amount of $67,780. The Board approved at the April 2nd meeting to move forward with purchasing the materials to replace the floor. The bid will be presented for approval to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Mr. Richards received 3 bids for a package that would include installation, materials and electrical work for the scoreboards at Logan and Lewis and Clark which currently do not have scoreboards. Since these came well under the budgeted amount, it was proposed to the Committee to replace the scoreboard at Mission. This scoreboard is over 30 years old and continues to have problems. The Committee agreed to replace all three of the scoreboards at this time. The bid from American Lift and Sign Service in the amount of $47,051 will be presented for approval to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Mr. Boettger received a quote in the amount of $520,000 from Prime Communications for safety and security upgrades for Avery, Betz, Peter Sarpy, Lewis and Clark, Logan, Mission, and Bellevue West. This will be for access control and cameras to be installed at these buildings. Mr. Boettger worked with school administration to determine the areas that cameras are needed.

There will also be various upgrades at Leonard Lawrence, Betz, Logan and Mission. This will include new doors to be installed, hardware, door frames and windows for a new office, and provide materials to create a vestibule. Mr. Boettger received a bid from Metal Door and Hardware in the amount of $55,000 to complete all the projects as needed at each building.

Lastly, Trophy Construction will install the frames and doors at Logan for safety and security at the entrance. The cost will be $9,000. These three requests will be presented for approval to the Board at the May 7th Board meeting.

Dr. Rippe updated the Committee that buses have been ordered through International, but the completion date is unknown. They will notify Rich Casey, Director of Transportation when the buses are available. Also, he did remind the Committee all the buses and white fleet that were ordered previously have arrived.

Mr. Gladbach gave a brief update on the potential energy rebates that are offered from OPPD. Since Peter Sarpy will be installing new LED lighting, they would qualify for the rebates. Mr. Gladbach also held a discussion with OPPD regarding Bellevue East, Betz, and Peter Sarpy for changing over to a VRF system, which would make these buildings eligible for the heat pump rebate.

Grant Applications
Mr. Gladbach gave an update on the NDEQ Grant application that was submitted for the football fields at both high schools. Additional information was requested from the NDEQ, that Mr. Gladbach provided. No notification on any of the grant applications have been given yet.

BPS Bond Website
There have been additional updates completed on the website. Mr. Gladbach will again update building information and projects. The Committee adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Meeting will be held on May 17th at the BPS Welcome Center. Mr. Gladbach gave the Committee a tour of Peter Sarpy to better understand the projects that will be completed this summer.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards