May 17, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes May 17, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Bill Richards
Sharon Hammarlund Amanda Oliver
Mike Hall Sarah Centineo
Doug Yenzer Doug Cook
 Mike Parker
Not In Attendance
 Jim Hawkins

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at the Bellevue Public Schools Welcome Center.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture gave a brief update on the ongoing projects at Leonard Lawrence, Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge, and Bellevue West.  All of these projects are in the final stage of the punch lists or have been completed in full.

Bertha Barber Roofing
Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with Bradco Company who was awarded the contract to complete a full roof replacement at Bertha Barber.  Staging and work is scheduled to start by June 1st.

Betz and Wake Robin Roofing
The materials will be delivered, staging will be completed, and the full roof replacement by Mejia Roofing will begin approximately on May 24th, once students are out for summer break.  When the project is complete at Betz in early July, Mejia Roofing will proceed to Wake Robin for a full roof replacement.

Bellevue East Main Gym Roof
A preconstruction meeting is set for the week of May 21st with Bradco Company who the Board awarded the contract.

Bellevue East Roof
Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with McCoy Construction and Lueder Construction to work through a detailed schedule of materials being delivered, staging areas, and when work will begin.  Another meeting will take place the week of May 21st to continue working through details.

Bellevue East HVAC Project
Mr. Gladbach will be working with the Mechanical Contractor to get a better schedule, along with ordering the equipment for the VRF system.  The VRF’s need to be installed in the classrooms this summer.  Demolition will begin on May 29th after graduation takes place.

Bellevue East Safety/Security
Mr. Gladbach will continue to have further discussions of implementing the security protocols with the Bellevue East administration and the contractors.

The mechanical contractor has started preliminary work in the boiler room with taking out the old boilers and awaiting the new boilers to be installed.  Work will continue on May 29th, when students are on summer break.

Betz HVAC Project
A preconstruction meeting will take place the week of May 21st with Lueder Construction and school administration to determine a timeline with work beginning after school is released for the summer.

Peter Sarpy HVAC Project
A preconstruction meeting will be taking place with Lueder Construction. Also, since this project is larger, there will be a contingency plan for phasing in parts of the project when school is back in session in the fall.

Dr. Rippe presented to the Committee the district would like to accept the proposal from Optimized Systems to be the third party commissioning agent for both Betz and Peter Sarpy.  Optimized Systems will be handling the Bellevue East Project.  This will be presented to the Board during the June Board meeting for approval.

Bellevue West Stadium
It was approved by the Board to purchase the materials for the light replacement at Bellevue West Stadium at the May Board meeting.  The plans have been completed for the installation package with bids being received on May 29th.

Bellevue East Pool
Mr. Gladbach met with Trophy Construction and Bellevue East administration to begin the schedule for the pool renovations.  Work will begin approximately June 1st with most of the project being completed by August 1st.  Some of the duct work modifications will be postponed until the summer of 2019.

The civil engineer is preparing the bid documents to get final pricing for the track replacement. This information will be presented to the Board at the July 9th board meeting.

Mr. Gladbach is working with Heartland Seating who was awarded the contract by the Board to replace the bleachers at Mission, Logan Fontenelle, and Bellevue West. Work will begin with the contractor to coordinate the installation of the bleachers in September or October.  Mr. Gladbach will work with the contractor and school administration on the timing of activities in the gymnasiums.

Lied Activity Center
Bill Richards, Director of Activities and Grounds shared that the Board approved Kiefer USA for the installation for the athletic flooring and track at the Lied Activity Center, which will begin in mid-July.  The project is estimated to be completed prior to the 2018-2019 school year beginning.

A meeting will be set with the vendor and Assistant Principals/Athletic Directors at Logan Fontenelle, Lewis and Clark and Mission to coordinate the installation and placement of the new scoreboards.  The projects will be completed this summer.

There was not an update on transportation.

OPPD Rebates
The engineers on the different projects have been working with OPPD on the rebate phasing plan and schedule.  The district could possibly see a small rebate this summer, but the amount is unknown at this time.

NDEQ Grant Application
Mr. Richards reported he has not received a response for the grants that were submitted for the football fields.

Bond Website
The current projects on the buildings has been updated.  Mr. Gladbach will update the budget as well.

Dr. Rippe gave an update on the compressor that is not longer in service at Logan Fontenelle due to issues.  There are still two that can be used, but there will be a large cost to the district to have the compressor repaired.  Since this is in the bond issue, the district is researching different options to replace the compressor and move the project ahead of schedule.  A report will be given to the Committee at a later date.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Meeting will be held on June 21st at Bellevue East.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards