June 19, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes June 19, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Bill Richards
Sharon Hammarlund Doug Cook
Mike Hall Phil Davidson
Doug Yenzer
 Mike Parker
Not In Attendance
 Jim Hawkins

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Bellevue West.

Bellevue West Stadium
At the May Board Meeting, it was approved for the district to purchase the materials to replace the lighting and poles at the Bellevue West Stadium in the amount of $213,000. During the June Board Meeting, the district tabled the request to accept the bid for the installation of the materials until further research was completed. On May 30th, GP Architecture received bids for the installation. Tonight, Jon Schwartz from ProTech Electrical, attended the meeting to give a breakdown of the $190,000 bid that was submitted to GP Architecture for the installation. Mr. Schwartz explained the overall project, the process for pre-work, accessibility to the field, installation and challenges of the project. The Committee concurred the bid from ProTech Electrical was acceptable even though it was much higher than initially anticipated after hearing what the project entailed.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture shared the materials have been ordered and the materials should be in by late July. It is hoping that the final installation will be completed by late September.

Technology/Safety Security Updates
Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology was unable to attend the meeting. Dr. Rippe shared the district will ask the Board to approve at the July meeting the bid in the amount of approximately $4,000 to reseal the windows at Bertha Barber. Due diligence was completed and to replace the windows would be about $21,000. It was determined the windows do not need to be replaced, only resealed.

Prime Communications will install an additional 8 cameras at Bellevue East in the amount of $9,200. It was determined by the district there were areas that need the additional cameras.

Lewis and Clark Gutters
The district will ask for approval at the July Board meeting to accept the bid to replace the gutters at Lewis and Clark. The gutters would be replaced with seamless gutters versus the current gutters that cause leaking in the winter creating ice on the sidewalks.

Mr. Boettger will be ordering the 3rd out of 4 rounds of Apple devices in the near future. 

Logan Fontenelle Chiller
Dr. Rippe shared one of the compressors at Logan Fontenelle is out of commission, but there are still two that work. The district has determined instead of trying to fix the issue, the chiller will be replaced. Bond funds have been slated for this project to take place in 2019, but will be moved up to save the district additional costs. Mr. Gladbach gave an explanation of the process to replace the chiller, design, location, and structure around the chiller. The district will ask for approval at the July Board meeting for bidding out chillers, then the next step would be to bid the installation.

Pay Request
There will be four pay requests submitted to the Board for approval at the July Board meeting.

Current Projects
Mr. Gladbach gave a brief update on the current projects taking place throughout the district.

Bellevue East North Gym
The roof has been completed. The final warranty inspection is waiting to be done, which will be completed by the manufacturer.

Bertha Barber Roof
There has been a delay in beginning the work due to the materials not being shipped. The contractor still expects the project to be complete by the start of school.

Betz Roof
Mejia Roofing Company is approximately 85% complete with this project. An in-progress inspection has been performed by the manufacturer with everything meeting recommended guidelines.

Wake Robin Roof
Work should begin approximately on July 9th. A pre-construction meeting has been set for the week of June 25th with the contractor and building staff.

Bellevue East Main Gym
Bradco Company will begin work on July 16th. The contractor has been working with the school administration to coordinate final work schedules.

Bellevue East HVAC Project
Demolition has begun at Bellevue East in the shop area and adjoining classrooms. The VRF system has arrived. The contractor is working with the engineer to make sure the

VRF systems are placed correctly to avoid any conflicts. They will make adjustments as needed. Also, the footings have been poured for the roof top units over the shop area.

Demolition has been completed. The VRF units have been installed in the upper floor classroom areas. There have been adjustments made to make sure the system works in an older building. Also, the framing for the front office and principal’s office has been completed. The project remains on schedule.

Demolition continues for the preparation of the VRF system to be installed. The materials have been delivered and installation has begun in the classrooms. The roof top units should be arriving.

Peter Sarpy
Demolition continues through the west and north wings of the building. The VRF system and piping are ready to be installed. Mr. Gladbach also gave an update on the lighting at Peter Sarpy. After reviewing the shop drawing an alternative light fixture that meets lighting requirements has been found that will save money on the project. The estimated completion date is September.

Bellevue East Pool
Work has begun on the pool renovation. The pool has been sand blasted and priming the pool has been completed. The anticipated completion is August 1st.

The packages for bidding the track will be received on June 25th, then presented to the Board at the August Board meeting.

A coordination meeting took place with Heartland Seating and district representatives to discuss schedules and the best time to install the new bleachers at Bellevue West, Logan Fontenelle, and Mission. At Bellevue West the goal is to have the bleachers installed before basketball season, so installation will be in the fall. At the middle schools the contractor will continue to work with the administration on timing.

Lied Activity Center
The replacement of the athletic flooring and track surface will be completed by the later part of August. Also, the lighting replacement has been completed, which bond funds were not used for the project.

Bill Richards, Director of Activities and Grounds reported the prep work has been completed for the scoreboards.

All the upgrades to the safety/security should be completed by the start of the new school year.

The district will ask the Board in August or September for approval to purchase additional buses/white fleet. We are still waiting for the buses that were ordered in 2018.

OPPD Rebates

AES is researching what rebates are available for the VRF system and lighting through OPPD.

NDEQ Grant
The Bellevue East and West football fields were approved for the NDEQ grant. The district received $145,000 that was deposited back to the bond fund.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Meeting will be held on July 19th at Peter Sarpy.


Board Secretary, Tricia Richards