July 18, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes July 18, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Bill Richards
Jim Hawkins Greg Boettger
Mike Parker Doug Cook
Doug Yenzer
Not In Attendance
Mike Hall
Sharon Hammarhund

The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. at Peter Sarpy.

Technology – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared the Board approved at the July
9th Board meeting for the 3rd of 4 rounds of iPads, 150 Apple Televisions and accessories to be purchased.
The devices should arrive in late August or September. Approximately 50% of students have received
their device.

On-going Projects – Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture gave an update on each of the projects at
Leonard Lawrence, Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge, Bellevue West Roof, Bellevue West Shop, and Bellevue
East North Gym that are either closed out or in the final stages of the punch lists.

Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted for the Board to approve at the August 6th
Board meeting.

Peter Sarpy (Lueder) $437,961.96
Betz (Lueder) $475,101.00
Avery (Lueder) $114,616.28
East High HVAC (Lueder) $733,094.10
West High Shop Ventilation $22,376.00
Bertha Barber HVAC $43,853.70
Twin Ridge $28,691.86
West High 2017 Roof (Bradco) $36,939.60
Bellevue East North Gym Roof $68,100.00
Betz Roof $83,800.00
Wake Robin Roof $90,000.00
Miscellaneous Roofs $96,210.00
East High Roof (McCoy) $285,750.00
East High Pool (Trophy) $62,057.00

2018 Projects
Bertha Barber Roof – There was a delay in starting the Bertha Barber roof project due to materials not
being delivered on time and weather. Mr. Gladbach spoke with the contractor Bradco Company and the
roof should be completed by the start of school. Bradco Company will then have another crew begin the
work on the Bellevue East Main Gym roof. The contractor will work with the administration on
scheduling to make sure there is minimal impact on students.

Betz – Mr. Gladbach met with Lueder Construction on the Betz upgrade of the HVAC project which is on
track. There will be 8 classrooms that will not be completed by the start of school and will be phased in
during the first month of school. The VRF system installation will likely be done by the end of
September. The roof top units will be in use by the beginning of the school year but the DOAS fresh air
units will be installed in September. Mejia Roofing completed the roof and is working on the punch list.

Avery – The new mechanical and life safety upgrades at the building are on track to be completed by the
start of the school year. There was a minor issue with the fire sprinkler line that Mr. Gladbach has
addressed with Lueder Construction that is being resolved. Also, the retaining walls are almost complete.
The new office/entry are nearly completed and will be operational by the start of school.

Peter Sarpy – The original plan was to have the HVAC and lighting system completed during the fall of
2018. Mr. Gladbach spoke with Lueder Construction and the project is ahead of schedule. The
classrooms and gym should be completed by the start of the school year. The media center will be closed
from August 8-17 for upgrades, then the office an entry will have the upgrades completed after that.

Bellevue West Stadium Lighting – At the July 9th Board meeting the Board approved ProTech Electric
Service to install the poles and lighting. Mr. Gladbach shared the materials for the project have arrived
with the estimated start date to be at the end of August. The contractor anticipates the completion of the
project to be the end of September. The old lighting system will be used until the new lights are in place.
Bellevue East Pool – Mr. Gladbach reported the Bellevue East pool has been sandblasted and the new
finish has been installed. Also, the flooring and exhaust system has been completed. The new handrails
will be installed by the end of July. The new starting blocks should arrive the last week of July, then will
be installed. The target date to finish the project is mid-August.

Tracks – There has been a delay in receiving the plans from the Civil Engineer. Mr. Gladbach is
following up to get more information and why there has been a delay. The project could possibly be held
until next summer.

Bleachers – The shop drawings for the bleachers are complete. Bellevue West has scheduled the
installation of the bleachers October 20th, with completion prior to basketball season. Mr. Gladbach is
working with the contractor and the middle school administrators to schedule the installations at their

Lied Activity Center – Bill Richards, Director of Activities and Grounds reported there has been a delay
in the installation of the new athletic flooring and track resurface at the Lied Activity Center. The
contractor is not available until August 20th for the installation. Mr. Richards is having discussion with
the Contractor along with coordinating the schedule with the Lied Activity Center. The project may have
to be delayed until next summer, due to the multiple activities taking place. The group held a discussion
on possible different options to have the project completed this year.

Scoreboards – Mr. Richards shared the scoreboards at all three of the middle schools have been installed.
The controllers should arrive soon, then training will take place on how to use the scoreboards. This
project will be completed before the start of the school year.

Logan Fontenelle Chiller – Mr. Boettger reported the Board approved at the July 9th Board meeting for
the district to have RDH create an RFP for pre-purchase of the new chiller not to exceed $250,000, to
provide engineering and design, and to solicit bids for the installation of the chiller at Logan Fontenelle.
As reported before two of the three compressors are not in use. The district plans to rent a compressor for
2-3 months until the project is complete.

The Bond Oversight Committee agreed to take a tour of Bellevue East on July 25th to see the progress that
is taking place with the project. This is not an official meeting.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee Meeting will be
held on August 16th with the location to be determined.

Mr. Gladbach gave the Committee a tour of Peter Sarpy to see the progress that is taking place with the

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards