October 18, 2018


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes October 18, 2018

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
John Carozza Ralph Gladbach
Sharon Hammarlund Doug Cook
Jim Hawkins Greg Boettger
Mike Parker
Doug Yenzer
Not In Attendance
Thomas Birk
Mike Hall

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Lied Activity Center.

Technology and Safety/Security – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology did not have any updates to
share at this time on technology or security for the Committee.

Leonard Lawrence and the Bellevue East North Gym project should be closed out within the next 30
days. Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture is awaiting the final warranty information.

Belleaire and Central – Vishal Khanna from Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) attended the
meeting to present the benefit to the district of replacing the current chiller/boiler systems at Belleaire and
Central to a VRF system. This would be similar to what has been installed at Betz and Peter Sarpy. Mr.
Khanna shared a 30-year life cycle cost analysis of the VRF system. The group held a discussion on other
buildings that could have future needs to have the chiller/boiler system replaced and if a VRF system
would be an option. The district will solicit bids for a commissioning agent which has been used at
Bellevue East, Betz, and Peter Sarpy. Also, Mr. Gladbach shared the buildings that currently have the
VRF system have been trained on the new system.

Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the November
5th Board of Education meeting.

Peter Sarpy Elementary (Lueder) $111,465.20
Betz Elementary (Lueder) $106,026.87
Bellevue East HVAC (Lueder) $703,666.80
Bellevue West Field Lighting (ProTech) $63,920.00 (Final Payment)

Bertha Barber Roof – The roof work has been completed at Bertha Barber with the final punch list being
compiled. Mr. Gladbach is in negotiations with Bradco Company for the final cost of the roof due to a
few damage claims from various roof leaks that occurred during the roof work.

Betz Roof – The roof work has been completed with the final punch list being compiled, along with
waiting on the warranty inspection.

Wake Robin Roof – The contractor has completed the roof work at Wake Robin. Also, the final warranty
has been issued by the roofing manufacturer.

Miscellaneous Roof Projects – The roofing projects at Mission, Twin Ridge, Peter Sarpy and LeMay
have been completed and the final warranties have been issued.

Bellevue East 2018-19 Roof Projects – Work continues on the roof areas over the cafeteria, boiler room
and media center at Bellevue East. There have been water issues at Bellevue East due to the weather,
which McCoy Construction is aware of the areas that will need to be repaired. These repairs will be done
during the holiday break in December. The contractor has been focusing on the flat areas of the roof so
they can be completed before the cold weather arrives. Once completed they will then move onto the
perimeter trim metal.

Bellevue East HVAC – Phase 3 has begun of the HVAC project. This would include approximately 3 to
4 classrooms being worked on at a time. Work is ongoing in the Freshman commons and Senior
commons. During spring break in March, the band and vocal music rooms will be completed. The
mechanical DOAS rooftop equipment is scheduled to be installed on October 19th.

Avery Project – The Avery life safety/HVAC project has been completed, along with the punch list
being compiled. This work is anticipated to be completed in the next 30 days.

Betz Project – Phase 1 of the life safety/HVAC project has been completed. Phase 2 continues in the
east classrooms with estimated completion by the end of October.

Peter Sarpy Project – All work on the life safety/HVAC project has been substantially completed. The
final punch list will be compiled and completed in the next 30 days.

Bellevue West Stadium Lights – The lights have been installed and were used for the September 21st
football game. The final punch list will be compiled so the project can be closed out.

Track Projects – Mr. Gladbach has reached out to a few civil engineering groups to submit proposals to
be selected for the track project. The previous civil engineer selected for the project was terminated due
to delays in preparation of plans and bidding.

Bleachers – The replacement of the bleachers in the main gymnasium at Bellevue West will begin the
week of October 22nd. This project should be completed in the next 3 weeks prior, which is before the
start of the basketball season.

Lied Activity Center – The athletic flooring and new track have been installed and work has been
completed at the Lied Activity Center.

Logan Fontenelle Chiller – The purchase order for the Smardt Chiller and sound blankets have been
submitted. Mr. Boettger will plan to ask the Board for approval to solicit bids for the installation of the
chiller at a future board meeting. Also, the district will be receiving an efficiency rebate from OPPD for
the new chiller once it is installed and not started until 2019.

OPPD Rebates – AES continues to work with OPPD on the efficiency rebates for Bellevue East, Betz,
and Peter Sarpy.

Safety/Security Updates – Mr. Boettger will ask for approval at the November Board meeting to install
access cameras at CHAP, along with replacing the front doors.

Transportation – The Board approved at the October Board meeting for the administration to solicit bids
for 10 new buses and 2 white fleet vehicles to be purchased in 2019.

Belleaire Projects – Mr. Gladbach shared the roof at Belleaire will be replaced, along with possibly the
windows in the west wing of the building. Mr. Gladbach will research different options for windows and
will try to coordinate the project with the HVAC project that will take place next year.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Meeting will be held on
November 15th at Belleaire Elementary.

The Committee viewed the new athletic floor and track at the Lied Activity Center.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards