February 21, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes February 21, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Dr. Jeff Rippe | |
Thomas Birk | Ralph Gladbach | |
John Carozza | Greg Boettger | |
Sharon Hammerlund | Dr. Robert Moore | |
Jim Hawkins | Amanda Oliver | |
Mike Parker | Amber Dembowski | |
Doug Yenzer | Doug Cook | |
Not In Attendance | ||
Mike Hall | ||
The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Central Elementary.
Technology/Security – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared there are
approximately 2500 more iPads that need to be ordered, which will be broke into two separate orders. Mr.
Boettger will ask the Board to approve the purchase of iPads, televisions, and accessories from Apple in
the amount of $517,881.50.
The district will ask the Board to approve a bid to provide access control and cameras at Bellevue,
Belleaire, and Central. There are still another 5 buildings in the district that need upgraded systems.
These will be done by the end of summer 2019.
In the bond language it was approved for drinking fountains to be replaced in buildings. Lewis and Clark
is in need of a new water heater that supplies water to a large area of the building. Mr. Boettger will ask
the Board to approve a bid from Southside Plumbing for the replacement.
Peter Sarpy Project – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with Optimized Systems to resolve the control
issues of the new VRF system at Peter Sarpy. The Committee requested to have Optimized Systems
attend a Bond Oversight meeting to share what they have learned and findings with the systems.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the March 4th Board of Education meeting
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $728,300.90
Bertha Barber Roof – Work has been completed except for the final payment.
Bellevue East 2018-19 Roof Projects – The roof over the upper penthouse area and the front entry of the
building continue to be delayed due to weather conditions. Also, the perimeter metal still needs to be
installed once the snow clears. There was a discussion with the contractors to make sure the project was
completed before graduation.
Bellevue East Main Gym – This project has been delayed until summer 2019. Preliminary discussions
have taken place with Bradco Company that is handling the project. Materials will be delivered in April
with a staging area created. Work will not begin until after graduation in May.
Bellevue East HVAC – This project has been delayed until summer 2019. Preliminary discussions
have taken place with Bradco Company that is handling the project. Materials will be delivered in April
with a staging area created. Work will not begin until after graduation in May.
Bleachers – The replacement of the bleachers at Bellevue West and Mission Middle School have been
completed. The materials for Logan Fontenelle will be delivered the last week of March with work taking
about 8-10 days to complete. Mr. Gladbach shared the wood and metal will be recycled from the project.
Logan Chiller – At the February 4th Board meeting, Grunwald Mechanics was awarded the contract to
install the chiller at Logan Fontenelle. There will be an additional cost for electrical work that needs to be
completed. Mr. Boettger gave an update on the installation process of the chiller. Work is scheduled to
begin February 28th with completion by April 1st.
Track Projects – Lamp Rynearson was chosen as the civil engineering group for the repairs/replacement
of both high school tracks and the repairs for the three middle school tracks. The engineer will release two
bid packages for the repairs/replacements. Logan Fontenelle and Mission bid package will be for an
asphalt surface. Mr. Gladbach explained to the Committee what needs to be completed at each of the
tracks. The other bid package that will be available on February 22nd is for Bellevue East, Bellevue West,
and Lewis and Clark. This will be for a rubber surface. The engineer is working on a revised plan that
will be have an extra line item for Lewis and Clark to resurface the track with rubber, pending the cost
and availability of funds. The information will be shared with the Committee at the March meeting and
presented at the April 8th Board meeting for approval.
Central Project – There were 6 bids received for the life safety/HVAC upgrades at Central on February
5th. The low bid in the amount of $1,178,000 was received from Ray Martin. The Board will be asked to
approve the bid at the March 4th Board meeting.
Belleaire Project – There were 6 bids received for the life safety/HVAC upgrades at Belleaire on
February 12th. The low bid in the amount of $2,170,000 was received from Mark VII Enterprise. There
was also a bid submitted to replace the windows in the amount $230,380. Mr. Gladbach has completed
due diligence on the contractor, since the district has not used them in the past. The Board will be asked to
approve the bid at the March 4th Board meeting.
Birchcrest Projects – The plans for the life safety/HVAC upgrades at Birchcrest will be released for bidding by the end of January and will be received back late February. This information will be shared with the Bond Oversight Committee and presented for approval at the March Board meeting.
Birchcrest Roof Replacement – The plans for the roof replacement work will be released on March 7th
in conjunction with the HVAC project plans, so work can be coordinated with the contractors.
Logan Fontenelle Project – There were 7 bids received for the Logan Fontenelle partial roof
replacement on February 14th. After completing due diligence on the low bidder, it was decided since the
contractor was not certified for installation of the roofing materials, Mr. Gladbach recommends the
district go with the next lowest bid. The Board will be asked to approve the bid at the March
Logan Fontenelle HVAC Project – After discussion with the administration and various mechanical
equipment vendors, the HVAC project at Logan Fontenelle will be delayed until the summer of 2020.
Bids will start being released the fall of 2019 so adequate lead time for equipment and installation can be
Storage Facility/CTE – In the bond language it was approved for the district to purchase a storage
facility for $2,000,000 and to use $4,000,000 for Career and Technical Education. The Board has
negotiated a price on a building that could be used for both purposes. Dr. Rippe explained the CTE
programs that are being planned and the next steps in the process. This will then be presented to the
Board at the April 8th Board meeting for final approval.
Lied Activity Center Pool – Mr. Gladbach went to RFP for design work on the Lied Activity Center
pool repairs. Proposals were received from 2 of the 3 vendors contacted. Mr. Gladbach and the
administration met with both companies to review their proposals, which were comparable. It will be
determined before the March Board meeting which aquatic design company will be chosen. Mr.
Gladbach will continue to complete due diligence on both companies. Construction work would be
completed approximately by August, 2019.
Safety/Security – Mr. Boettger is needing to purchase unique locks to finish the safety/security at 3
different buildings. The Board will be asked to approve the purchase at the March 4th Board meeting.
Transportation – The Board asked Mr. Casey at the January 7th Board meeting to explore the options of
propane buses before ordering the 3 large buses that were requested by the district for purchase. It was
then approved at the February 4th Board meeting to purchase 3 large propane buses.
OPPD Rebates – The district was presented the rebates from OPPD in the amount of $7,400 for the heat
pump at Peter Sarpy and $5,800 for the heat pump project at Betz. Rebates for Bellevue East will not be
considered until the project is completed. The rebates will be deposited back into the bond fund.
Website Review – The vendor will be updating the Bond website by the end of February.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. The March 21st Bond Oversight Meeting will be held
at the Welcome Center.
Mr. Gladbach gave the Committee a tour of Central to see the work that will be completed the summer of 2019.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards