March 21, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes March 21, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Dr. Robert Moore | |
Thomas Birk | Ralph Gladbach | |
Mike Hall | Bill Richards | |
Sharon Hammerlund | Doug Cook | |
Mike Parker | ||
Doug Yenzer | ||
Not In Attendance | ||
John Carozza | ||
Jim Hawkins |
The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at BPS Welcome Center.
Dr. Moore gave an update on the flooding taking place in Bellevue and the surrounding
communities. This has impacted numerous families, students, and staff members. There have
been approximately 310 students that have been impacted and could possibly be homeless. This
will be difficult on our transportation department because under the McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act, students who become homeless are eligible for transportation back to their home
school if they now live outside the normal walk zones. Additionally, these kids will
automatically qualify for free lunch.
Technology/Security – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology was unable to attend the meeting. There were not any updates at this time for technology/security.
Peter Sarpy Project – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with Optimized Systems and Mechanical Sales toresolve the control issues of the new VRF system at Peter Sarpy. Once resolved this will help with the controls at the other buildings that have new systems.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the April 8th Board of Education meeting
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $553,531.99
Bertha Barber Roof – Work has been completed except for the final payment.
Bellevue East 2018-19 Roof Projects – McCoy Construction is handling the roofing project at Bellevue East, which has been delayed due to weather. Work should continue the week of March 25th which is during spring break. Also, the perimeter metal will be an ongoing project. The roof is anticipated to be
Bellevue East Main Gym – This project has been delayed until summer 2019. Mr. Gladbach has a
preliminary meeting the week of March 25th with Bradco Company. Work will not begin until after
graduation in May.
Bellevue East HVAC – Phase 3 work on the D-wing is nearly completed for the HVAC project at
Bellevue East. Work continues in the ROTC classroom, along with the north gym and training areas.
Bleachers – The install of the new bleachers at Logan Fontenelle will begin the week of March 25th with
a completion date of approximately April 1st.
Logan Chiller – Mr. Gladbach reported there was a slight delay in receiving the new chiller for Logan
Fontenelle. Grunwald Mechanics who was awarded the contract to install the chiller anticipates the work
to be completed by April 1st.
Track Projects – Lamp Rynearson was chosen as the civil engineering group for the repairs/replacement
of both high school tracks and the repairs for the three middle school tracks. The engineer released the bid
packages that were received back on March 14th for the repairs/replacements at Bellevue East, Bellevue
West and Lewis and Clark. The bids will be presented and asked for approval by the Board at the April 8th
Board meeting.
The bids for Mission were received back on March 21st. Mr. Gladbach will share the information with the
Committee once he has the opportunity to review the proposals. Also, the bids for Logan Fontenelle will
be received on April 4th. This was done as a separate package due to the poor underlying conditions that
were found below the track surface. The package for Logan Fontenelle will have a clause included for an
extended time frame.
The administration will determine when the track projects will be completed for Logan Fontenelle and
Mission Middle Schools. The projects could be delayed until 2020 with minor repairs being completed
until then. Additional information will be provided to the Bond Oversight Committee and Board at a later
Central Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Central life safety/HVAC project was awarded to
Ray Martin Company. On April 1st there will be a preconstruction meeting with Mr. Gladbach, the
contractor and the building administration to determine the date work will begin.
Belleaire Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Belleaire life safety/HVAC project was awarded
to Mark VII Enterprise. On April 2nd there will be a preconstruction meeting with Mr. Gladbach, Mark
VII and the building administration to determine the date work will begin.
Birchcrest Projects – The plans for the life safety/HVAC upgrades at Birchcrest will be released for bidding by the end of January and will be received back late February. This information will be shared with the Bond Oversight Committee and presented for approval at the March Board meeting.
Central Roof Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Central partial roof replacement project was
awarded to 10 Men Roofing Company. Work on the project is anticipated to start by June 1st and
completed prior to school starting in August, 2019.
Belleaire Roof Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Belleaire partial roof replacement project
was awarded to 10 Men Roofing Company. Work on the project is anticipated to start by June 1st and
completed prior to school starting in August, 2019.
Birchcrest Roof Replacement – There were 8 bids received for the Birchcrest partial roof replacement
project on March 7th. The low bid in the amount of $320,000 was received by Mejia Roofing Company.
The Board will be asked to approve the bid at the April 8th Board meeting
Logan Fontenelle Project – At the March 4th Board meeting Mr. Gladbach shared after completing due
diligence on the low bidder for the Logan Fontenelle partial roof replacement, it was recommended to go
with the next lowest bidder, Mejia Roofing Company. The Board approved the bid from Mejia Roofing
Company with work to begin June 1st with anticipated completion by August, 2019.
Logan Fontenelle HVAC Project – After discussion with the administration and various mechanical
equipment vendors, the HVAC project at Logan Fontenelle will be delayed until the summer of 2020.
Bids will start being released the fall of 2019 so adequate lead time for equipment and installation can be
Storage Facility/CTE – At this time there are not any updates on the storage and Career and Technical
Education center. The final approval by the Board will not take place at the April Board meeting.
Lied Activity Center Pool – The Board approved at the March 4th Board meeting to award the contract to
Waters Edge Aquatic Design for the design work planned for the renovation of the Lied Activity Center
pool. A final schedule of the plans, bidding and construction will be developed with an anticipated
renovation completion date of August, 2019.
Transportation – There were not any updates at this time.
OPPD Rebates – The district has received the first round of rebates from OPPD in the amount of $7,400
for the heat pump at Peter Sarpy and $5,800 for the heat pump project at Betz. Rebates for Bellevue East
will be submitted once the project is completed.
Website Review – The vendor is completing the updates to the BPS Bond website.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:57 p.m. The next meeting will be April 16th at Bellevue East.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards