April 16, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes April 16, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Dr. Jeff Rippe | |
Thomas Birk | Ralph Gladbach | |
John Carozza | Dr. Robert Moore | |
Mike Hall | Greg Boettger | |
Sharon Hammerlund | Dr. Jeff Wagner | |
Mike Parker | Doug cook | |
Doug Yenzer | ||
Not In Attendance | ||
Jim Hawkins | ||
The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Bellevue East.
At the February, 2019 meeting the Bond Oversight Committee requested that Optimized Systems attend a
Committee meeting to explain the services that are offered, along with what they have seen in the
buildings with the VRF system. Tonight representatives Rick Kmiecik and Nick Combs who are
overseeing the Bellevue projects attended the meeting to give an overview of Optimized Systems. They
discussed the operating savings, staff training, testing prior to operating the system, and the
commissioning software.
Technology/Security – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared the bid from Prime
Communications in the amount of $22,815 to replace the existing internet access points in the secondary
buildings that are high use internet areas with higher capacity units. The existing units will be used as
other units need to be replaced in areas that are lower usage. Mr. Boettger will ask for approval to proceed
with the upgrade at the May, 2019 Board meeting.
Peter Sarpy and Betz ProjectProject – The closeout is ongoing. Mr. Gladbach continues to work with
Optimized Systems on troubleshooting and building commissioning at both buildings.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the May 6th
Board of Education meeting.
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $713,043.32
Leonard Lawrence (10 Men Roofing) $26,128 (Final retainage)
Bertha Barber Roof – Work has been completed except for the final payment.
Bellevue East 2018-19 Roof Projects – McCoy Construction continues to work on the roofing area over
the main entrance at Bellevue East. The perimeter metal was scheduled to begin but has been delayed.
Mr. Gladbach is working with the contractor to have the project completed prior to graduation.
Bellevue East Main Gym – Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with Bradco Company who
will be handling the roofing project. Materials are anticipated to arrive in the next few weeks, with work
scheduled to begin June 1st after graduation.
Bellevue East HVAC – Mr. Gladbach reported the HVAC updates have been completed in the north gym
area. Work has now shifted to the main gym area with work scheduled to be completed prior to
graduation in May. Work has also begun in the pool area.
Bleachers – The installation of the new bleachers have been completed at Bellevue West, Logan
Fontenelle and Mission.
Track Projects – At the April, 2019 Board meeting the track resurfacing project was awarded to
Midwest Tennis and Track in the amount of $450,362.50 for Bellevue East, Bellevue West, and Lewis
and Clark. Since the three tracks are competitive tracks they will have a rubberized surface. Mr.
Gladbach will have a coordination meeting with the contractors and building administration for a final
schedule to determine the timeline of the project and the downtime of the tracks. The administration will
combine the high schools to use one track for students who will competing in the State Track meet at the
end of May.
Also at the April, 2019 Board meeting, the contract was awarded to Nemaha Landscape Construction for
the track repairs/replacement at Logan Fontenelle and Mission tracks in the total amount of $797,231.06.
These tracks will be replaced with an asphalt surface. Mr. Gladbach will have a preconstruction meeting
with the Lamp Rynearson and Nemaha Landscape Construction to coordinate final scheduling.
Central Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Central life safety/HVAC project was awarded to
Ray Martin Company. Mr. Gladbach held a preconstruction meeting with the contractor and the building
administration to determine that work will begin at the end of May when school is dismissed.
Belleaire Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Belleaire life safety/HVAC project was awarded
to Mark VII Enterprise. Mr. Gladbach held a preconstruction meeting with the contractor and the
building administration to determine the work will begin the last week of May.
Birchcrest Projects – At April 8th Board meeting the Birchcrest life safety/HVAC project was awarded to
Rife Construction. A preconstruction meeting was held with Rife Construction and the major contractors.
The anticipated start date will be the end of May with completion scheduled prior to school beginning in
Central Roof Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Central partial roof replacement project was
awarded to 10 Men Roofing Company. Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with the contractor.
Work on the project is anticipated to start June 1st and completed prior to school starting in August, 2019.
Belleaire Roof Project – At the March 4th Board meeting the Belleaire partial roof replacement project
was awarded to 10 Men Roofing Company. Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with the
contractor. Work on the project is anticipated to start June 1st and completed prior to school starting in
August, 2019.
Birchcrest Roof Replacement – At the April 8th Board meeting the Birchcrest partial roof replacement
project was awarded to Mejia Roofing Company. Mr. Gladbach had a preconstruction meeting with the
contractor. Work on the project is anticipated to start May 24th with completion by the last week in June,
Logan Fontenelle Chiller – Mr. Boettger reported the new chiller at Logan Fontenelle should be
working by the end of April prior to the weather getting warmer.
Logan Fontenelle HVAC Project – After discussion with the administration and various mechanical
equipment vendors, the HVAC project at Logan Fontenelle will be delayed until the summer of 2020. The
mechanical engineer has begun field work on the project. Also, Mr. Gladbach will meet with the engineer
the week of April 15th to determine when bids will start to be released, so adequate lead time for
equipment and installation can be arranged.
Lied Activity Center Pool – The Board approved at the March 4th Board meeting to award the contract to
Waters Edge Aquatic Design for the design work planned for the renovation of the Lied Activity Center
pool. The bids will be released at the end of April and presented to the Board at the May Board meeting
for approval. These bids will be shared with the Committee prior to presenting to the Board.
Storage Facility/CTE – Dr. Rippe gave an update on the storage facility/Career and Technical Education
center (CTE). A purchase agreement will be presented to the Board at the May, 2019 meeting for
approval. On May 3rd there will be a community meeting to discuss the partnership with the city and
local businesses. This was rescheduled due to the flood.
Safety/Security Projects – Mr. Boettger shared the bids from Prime Communications for the access
control for new cameras, door intercoms, and new doors for Birchcrest, Fairview, Fort Crook, Two
Springs, and Wake Robin. These buildings are the last of the buildings that are in need of upgrades for
access control.
Avery Roof – When the district had a roof analysis completed on all the buildings, Avery as a priority. It
has been determined the roof area over the gym needs to be replaced as it is leaking into the building. Mr.
Boettger shared the two bids that were received for the project. The Board will be asked for approval to
proceed with the partial roof replacement at the May 6th Board meeting.
Bellevue East Classrooms – At the February, 2019 Committee meeting the district presented the idea of
converting the Freshman commons at Bellevue East into two permanent classrooms. Dr. Jeff Wagner,
Principal at Bellevue East gave an explanation of the benefits of converting the area into classrooms. Mr.
Gladbach will ask the Board to approve the bid received at the May 6th Board meeting.
Mr. Gladbach thanked Dr. Wagner and Susan Jensen, Assistant Principal at Bellevue East for
accommodating the contractors and moving classrooms around, so that work can continue to progress on
the HVAC project.
OPPD Rebates – Rebates for Bellevue East will be submitted once the project is completed.
Website Review – The vendor has updated the BPS Bond website.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. The next meeting will be May 16th at the Lied
Activity Center. At the conclusion of the meeting Dr. Jeff Wagner, Principal at Bellevue East and Mr.
Gladbach gave Committee members a tour of the building and track to see the progress of projects and
new projects that will begin this summer.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards