June 18, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes June 18, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Dr. Jeff Rippe | |
Thomas Birk | Ralph Gladbach | |
John Carozza | Dr. Robert Moore | |
Mike Hall | Greg Boettger | |
Sharon Hammerlund | Bill Richards | |
Jim Hawkins | ||
Doug Yenzer | ||
Not in Attendance: | ||
Mike Parker | ||
The meeting began at 5:57 p.m. at the Birchcrest Elementary.
Technology/Security – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared at the June 3rd Board
meeting the bids from Prime Communications for additional security camera’s to be installed at Bellevue
West and the Lied Activity Center were approved. Also, Mr. Boettger may ask the Board for approval at
the July 8th Board meeting to purchase additional iPads and technology.
CTE Building and Storage Unit – At the May, 2019 Board meeting the Board approved the purchase
agreement between Bellevue Public Schools and CCP Limited Liability Company for the Computer
Cable Connection building. Dr. Rippe gave a brief update that an inspection was completed with minor
items to be fixed by the seller, along with the agreement should be finalized by late August.
Bellevue East Smoke Vents – Mr. Boettger explained to the Committee the smoke vents on the roof
above the auditorium at Bellevue East are leaking. Before the renovation project begins on the auditorium
the issue needs to be fixed. Mr. Boettger is exploring the options of fixing or replacing the vents. Another
concern is the vents potentially could be out of code. A bid was received by one vendor to replace all 6 of
the existing smoke vents. Mr. Gladbach is completing due diligence on other vendors for the project,
along with the code.
Past Projects – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with the Commissioning Agent to close out the projects
at Betz and Peter Sarpy.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the July 8th Board of Education meeting.
Board of Education meeting.
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $259,253.55
Birchcrest (Rife) $357,420.19
Birthcrest (Mejia) $183,644.04
Belleaire (Mark 7) $422,862.32
Bellevue East 2018-19 Roof Projects – –The flat work has been completed on the roof. The vendor is
coordinating with Lueder Construction on other work projects that remain with the wall panels to be
Bellevue East Main Gym – Mr. Gladbach shared the materials have arrived. Work has been delayed due
to recent weather conditions and is anticipated to be completed by the end of July, 2019.
Bellevue East HVAC – – Mr. Gladbach reported the HVAC project work has shifted to the main level
locker rooms, main office and auditorium areas.
Track Projects – At the April, 2019 Board meeting the track resurfacing project was awarded to
Midwest Tennis and Track. Mr. Gladbach shared the rubber surface has been removed from Bellevue
East, along with the new poles and lights being installed. Also, the rubber was removed at Bellevue
West, with the new track already being installed. The lines are anticipated to be completed the week of
June 24th. Once completed at Bellevue West, the contractor will move back over to Bellevue East. Also,
at Lewis and Clark the crack repairs have been completed with installation upcoming.
The demolition at Mission and Logan Fontenelle continue. The public should start to see improvements
by early July.
Central Project – Work is underway on the new VRF units that are being installed at Central, along with
the contractor focusing on the new piping throughout the building.
Central Roof Project – 10 Men Roofing began work on the roof replacement at Central with an
anticipated completion date of mid-July. The roof area over the main gym has been completed.
Belleaire Project – Work began on the demolition at Belleaire in preparation for the new VRF system to
be installed. During demolition asbestos was discovered on some of the piping, which will be abated from
the building. There should not be any impact to the project schedule. Also, minor work has been done to
the window frames with installation beginning approximately mid-July. There is a contingency plan to
make sure all classrooms are complete before school begins in August, 2019. Once the classrooms are
completed, the contractor will focus on other areas.
Birchcrest Projects – At the April 8th Board meeting the Birchcrest life safety/HVAC project was
awarded to Rife Construction. Work has begun on the general mechanical demolition with the installation
of the new VRF units being set in the classrooms. The project is on track and scheduled to be completed
prior to school starting in August, 2019.
Birchcrest Roof Replacement – At the April 8th Board meeting the Birchcrest partial roof replacement
project was awarded to Mejia Roofing Company. The contractor began work in late May with the
anticipated project to be completed in June. Once the contractor completes the project, the crews will
begin work on Logan Fontenelle.
Logan Fontenelle HVAC – Mr. Gladbach continues to work on finding a field engineer to lead the
Lied Activity Center Pool – Waters Edge Aquatic Design continues to work on the plans for the design
of the pool renovation for the Lied Activity Center. Mr. Gladbach has a list of potential contractors for the
project. Once bids are release and reviewed, Mr. Gladbach will share the bids with the Oversight
Committee with anticipated Board approval at the July 8th Board meeting.
Bellevue East Field Lighting – At the May 6th Board meeting the Board approved the bid from Musco
Lighting for materials and installation for the replacement of the lighting at the Bellevue East stadium.
The new poles and lights have been installed. The project is anticipated to be completed by August for the
start of the fall sports season to begin.
Bellevue East New Classrooms – The project to convert the freshman commons at Bellevue East
continues. The two new classrooms are anticipated to be completed to by the start of the 2019 school
Transportation – Dr. Rippe shared three of the new propane buses have been delivered. Also, the
propane fuel station should be installed by the end of June.
Bellevue East Baseball Field – Dr. Rippe shared with the Committee the poles and electrical at the
baseball field at Bellevue East are unsafe and will be replaced. The district will ask for approval at the
July 8th Board meeting to replace the poles and lights at the baseball field.
Selling of Bonds – Dr. Rippe met with Cody Wickham from D.A. Davidson about the possibility of
selling $10,000,000 in bank qualified bonds. The information will be presented to the Board at a future
Board meeting.
Website Review – There have not been any revisions to the BPS Bond website.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m. The next meeting will be July 16th at Belleaire
Elementary. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Gladbach gave Committee members a tour of
Birchcrest to observe the projects that are underway.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards