July 16, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes July 16, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Dr. Jeff Rippe | |
John Carozza | Ralph Gladbach | |
Sharon Hammerlund | Greg Boettger | |
Mike Parker | Mary Hansen | |
Doug Yenzer | Doug Cook | |
Not in Attendance: | ||
Thomas Birk | ||
Mike Hall | ||
Jim Hawkins |
The meeting began at 6:00p.m. at the Belleaire Elementary
Bellevue East Auditorium – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology received 3 bids for a
full sound shell for the Bellevue East auditorium. The bids were reviewed with the administration and
determined the bid from Wenger in the amount of $124,942 would be presented to the Board at the
August 5th Board meeting for approval.
Also, Mr. Boettger gave an update on the stage floor that is in need of being rebuilt with the appropriate
materials for the auditorium. After researching vendors that can complete this scope of work, Mr.
Boettger will present the bid from Trophy Construction in the amount of $27,255 at the August 5th Board
meeting. Trophy Construction is handling other projects for the auditorium.
Technology Purchase – Mr. Boettger will ask the Board to approve a purchase from Apple not to exceed
$820,000 for additional iPads and televisions. This will be the fourth installment of purchased devices.
Mr. Boettger shared there are other technology needs by the curriculum department for the district, but
these requests will be presented at a later date.
Food Service – Mr. Boettger shared a list of equipment needs by the Food Service Department with the
Committee. The district received 3 bids from vendors. After discussions regarding the needs, the
administration determined it would be a cost savings to replace the equipment versus continuing to fix
equipment that are over 25 years old. At the August 5th Board meeting, the district will ask for approval
accept the bid from Sysco in the amount of $113,363 to replace kitchen equipment as needed for
buildings throughout the district.
Selling of Bonds – During the Committee meeting there was a discussion on the direction the Board
wants to take for future projects and the amount of bond funds available to use for projects. The
Committee asked if the Board could give additional guidance how these concerns should be handled.
There continued to be a discussion the the sale of bank qualified bonds with the Committee. The Board
will be asked at the August 5th Board Meeting to approve the sale of $10,000,000 in bank qualified bonds.
CTE Building and Storage Unit – At the May, 2019 Board meeting the Board approved the purchase
agreement between Bellevue Public Schools and CCP Limited Liability Company for the Computer
Cable Connection building. Dr. Rippe gave a brief update that an inspection was completed, with the
agreement being finalized by late August. Once the agreement has been finalized, the district will move
items into the storage area and remodel work will begin on the career and technical part of the facility.
2020 Projects – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with engineers on the preliminary field work for the
projects scheduled for 2020. The buildings that will be focused on are Logan Fontenelle, Two Springs,
Wake Robin, and Leonard Lawrence.
Past Projects – Mr. Gladbach continues to work with the Commissioning Agent to close out the projects
at Betz and Peter Sarpy.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the August 5th Board of Education meeting.
Board of Education meeting.
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $338,484.36
Belleaire (10 Men Roofing) $104,400.10
Birchcrest Roof (Mejia) $57,155.54
Logan Fontenelle Roof (Mejia) $198,000
Central Elementary Roof (10 Men Roofing) $105,196.51
East/West/Lewis and Clark Track (Midwest) $334,495.62
Mission Track (Nemaha) $256,591.06
Logan Fontenelle Track (Nemaha) $77,665.46
Bellevue East HVAC – Mr. Gladbach reported the HVAC project work continues on the main level
locker rooms, main office and auditorium areas. The entire project is anticipated to be completed by late
September, 2019.
Track Projects – – Mr. Gladbach reported the new rubber tracks at Bellevue East, Bellevue West and
Lewis and Clark are completed.
The asphalt track at Mission has been laid with work continuing on grading the area around the track.
Mr. Gladbach shared the track at Logan Fontenelle continues to cause challenges for the contractor with
the subsurface, which has caused delays. The contractor is researching options to resolve the issue and
improve the drainage in the track area.
Central Project – The VRF units have been installed at Central with the first VRF circuit working
correctly and cooling the classrooms. There has been a delay in receiving the roof top units. Renovations
on the office area are underway for a new security vestibule at the main entrance.
Central Roof Project – The roof work by 10 Men Roofing Company will be completed by July 19th.
Belleaire Project – The new windows for Belleaire should arrive by July 22nd. The openings have been
set, with the window project being completed within a few weeks. Also, work continues to progress
throughout the building. The roof project was delayed by 10 Men Roofing, so Mr. Gladbach held a
construction coordination meeting on July 15th. The project is back on track with a larger crew to
complete the roof, so the mechanical contractor can set the roof units.
Birchcrest Project – Mr. Gladbach shared all the VRF units have been installed at Birchcrest and the
rooftop HRU units are being prepped to start-up. The classrooms will be completed prior to school
starting in August and work is progressing on the other areas at Birchcrest.
Belleaire Project – Work began on the demolition at Belleaire in preparation for the new VRF system to
be installed. During demolition asbestos was discovered on some of the piping, which will be abated from
the building. There should not be any impact to the project schedule. Also, minor work has been done to
the window frames with installation beginning approximately mid-July. There is a contingency plan to
make sure all classrooms are complete before school begins in August, 2019. Once the classrooms are
completed, the contractor will focus on other areas.
Birchcrest Projects – At the April 8th Board meeting the Birchcrest life safety/HVAC project was
awarded to Rife Construction. Work has begun on the general mechanical demolition with the installation
of the new VRF units being set in the classrooms. The project is on track and scheduled to be completed
prior to school starting in August, 2019.
Birchcrest Roof Replacement – Mejia Roofing Company has completed the majority of the roofing
project at Birchcrest with only minor finishing trim work. This should be completed by the end of July.
Logan Fontenelle Roof Replacement – Since Mejia Roofing Company has completed Birchcrest, the
contractor began work on Logan Fontenelle. The anticipated completion date is still mid-August.
Logan Fontenelle HVAC – This project continues to be delayed until the summer of 2020.
Lied Activity Center Pool – Mr. Gladbach reached out to 4 potential commercial pool contractors who
showed interest in bidding the pool project. The bidding opened on July 11th and it turned out the
contractors did not submit a bid. Mr. Gladbach then met with another local commercial contractor that
submitted a bid after the date. At the August 5th Board meeting the bid from New Wave Pools & Spa Inc
in the amount of $600,000 will be presented to the Board for approval, so the project can move forward.
Bellevue East Field Lighting – The poles and lights for Bellevue East field have been installed. The
anticipated completion date is at the end of July.
Bellevue East New Classrooms – The project to convert the freshman commons at Bellevue East
continues. The two new classrooms are anticipated to be completed to by the start of the 2019 school
Transportation – There are not any updates at this time.
OPPD Rebates – The district received a rebate from OPPD for the Logan Fontenelle chiller in the
amount of $32,385 that will be put back into the bond fund. Mr. Gladbach continues to wait for feedback
on the other rebates that have been submitted for Peter Sarpy.
Website Review – There have not been any revisions to the BPS Bond website.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m. The next meeting will be August 13th at Central
Elementary. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Gladbach gave Committee members a tour of Belleaire
to observe the projects that are underway.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards