September 25, 2019
Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes September 25, 2019
Attendance | Others In Attendance | |
Bill Baldwin | Greg Boettger | |
Thomas Birk | Ralph Gladbach | |
John Carozza | Doug Cook | |
Mike Hall | ||
Sharon Hammarlund | ||
Jim Hawkins | ||
Mike Parker | ||
Doug Yenzer | ||
Not in Attendance: | ||
Jeff Rippe | ||
The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at the Logan Fontenelle Middle School.
Hail Guards – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology gave an explanation to the Committee that hail guards are needed for the new RTU units that have been installed in 6 of the districts buildings. These wire mesh guards will protect the units from leaves, cotton, etc. and will be much more efficient when the custodians are cleaning the units. Mr. Boettger will ask the Board to approve the bid from Mechanical Sales Inc. in the amount of $48,263 at the October 7th Board meeting.
Fire and Safety – Mr. Boettger received two bids for the upgrade to the fire alarm system at Peter Sarpy. At the October 7th Board meeting, Mr. Boettger will ask the Board to approve the bid from General Fire & Safety Equipment Co in the amount of $48,950 for the new system.
Fairview Chiller – At the September 9th Board meeting it was approved for GP Architecture to purchase a new chiller for Fairview and to create the RFP and solicit bids for the installation. Tonight Mr. Boettger shared the proposal from Trane to purchase two chillers. The other chiller will be installed at Two Springs during which projects are slated to begin the summer of 2020. The cost of the two chillers would be $238,680 with installation being an additional cost. Mr. Gladbach shared the same contractor will be used for both installations as a cost savings.
Mr. Gladbach also shared that all projects including the HVAC and Life/Safety will also be completed during the summer of 2020 at Two Springs.
Bellevue East Pool – At the September 9th Board meeting the bid was approved from Aqua-Chem in the amount of $33,550 and $78,900 for the replacement of the pool filter and UV system purchase for the Bellevue East pool. Mr. Gladbach shared the work is nearly completed on the pool as the swim season will begin on October 14th. At the October 7th Board meeting the district will ask the Board to approve to use bond funds for the installation that is being completed by Ray Martin Company in the amount of $37,230. Mr. Gladbach also shared the UV system that is the same that was installed at the Lied Activity Center Pool as yet to arrive.
CTE Building and Storage Unit – Mr. Boettger briefly shared the proposal he received shortly before the Committee meeting from Prime Communications. The proposal is for access control and wiring for the network system in the warehouse and 3 offices at the Career and Technical Education/Storage facility. Mr. Boettger will share the proposal with the Committee prior to the Board meeting on October 7th.
Dr. Rippe, Mr. Gladbach and other district administrators visited CTE programs in Columbus and Grand Island to get a better understanding of their facilities and programs. The district will continue to work with their partners on the curriculum for the CTE program.
Pay Requests – The following pay requests will be submitted to the Board for approval at the October 7th Board of Education meeting.
Bellevue East High HVAC (Lueder) $237,589.30
Birchcrest Roof (Rife) $96,276.06
East/West/Lewis & Clark Track (Midwest) $24,197.60
Logan Fontenelle Roof (Mejia) $35,500.00
Logan Fontenelle Track (Nemaha) $14,979.14
Central Elementary (Ray Martin) $52,745.90
Mission Track (Nemaha) $27,104.09
Lied Activity Center (New Wave) $68,262.30
Past Projects – The projects at Betz and Peter Sarpy have been closed out. Optimized Systems will continue to monitor the building systems.
Bellevue East HVAC – Mr. Gladbach reported the contractor and electrical engineer are finishing the work on the punch list. Also, Mr. Gladbach will continue to work with AES and the commissioning agent on the controls.
Bellevue East Main Gym Roof –The flashing work for the perimeter has yet to be started. Mr. Gladbach continues to reach out to McCoy to complete the project.
Bellevue East Smoke Vents – Mr. Boettger reported the smoke vents are being ordered and installed by Waldinger Corporation on the roof above the auditorium at Bellevue East. Once completed a final warranty will be given.
Track Projects – Mr. Gladbach reported all the new tracks have been completed. Minor ground work and sprinklers around the track at Logan Fontenelle are still having a few issues. The final punch lists have been identified.
Central Project – The final units were started the week of September 16th with minor adjustments. The final projects are slowly being completed as the contractors are working around school hours and activities, so there is minimal impact to student learning.
Central and Belleaire Roof Project – The roof work has been completed for both Central and Belleaire. 10 Men Roofing Company is waiting for final warranty inspection from the roofing manufacturer. The final punch list will be completed in the next few weeks.
Belleaire Project – The major work around Belleaire has been completed. Work that is required in student areas will be completed on October 11th, 12th and 18th when there are not students in the building.
Birchcrest Project – Mr. Gladbach shared all the VRF units have been installed at Birchcrest and are working properly to cool the building. The final punch list for the mechanical and electrical engineers will be completed in the next 30 days.
Logan Fontenelle Roof Replacement – Mejia Roofing Company has completed the roof at Logan Fontenelle. The final inspection will be done the week of September 23rd.
Logan Fontenelle HVAC – Mr. Gladbach met with the engineers and identified areas that will be a focus. This project continues to be delayed until the summer of 2020.
Lied Activity Center Pool – Mr. Gladbach shared the demolition work is nearly completed on the Lied Activity Center pool. New pool equipment and materials will be arriving within the next few weeks, with a target date of completion by November 1st.
Bellevue East Baseball Field Lighting – The Board approved the purchase of new lighting for the baseball field at Bellevue East. The new poles have arrived and will be installed, once the transformer is placed in a new location. This is a requirement by OPPD for the accessibility to the transformer. There is additional work that will need to be completed due to this change. OPPD has not yet determined what cost will be covered by them.
Transportation – Rich Casey, Director of Transportation shared the plan for the purchase of buses and white fleet vehicles that are budgeted for 2020. Mr. Casey will be asking the Board at the October 7th meeting for approval to solicit bids for two Bluebird large propane buses, two service trucks, three transit vans, and one box truck. Mr. Casey also shared the district will be receiving a grant for $50,000 to purchase a new bus, which is outside of bond funds.
Bellevue West Elevator – The State Elevator Inspector has determined the elevator machine equipment room needs to be moved to a different location. This has been an ongoing issue that has been addressed. Mr. Gladbach did received proposals from two elevator companies for the elevator upgrade and another bid for the general construction required for the associated work to accommodate the elevator work. The total cost of all improvements that will be required is approximately $172,000. The bids will be presented at the October 7th Board meeting for approval.
OPPD Rebates – There were not any updates at this time.
Website Review – The BPS Bond website should be updated by the end of September.
The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m. The next meeting will be October 17th at the Transportation Building.
Board Secretary, Tricia Richards