January 26, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes January 26, 2017

Attendance:                                                                                Others in Attendance:

Bill Baldwin                                                                              Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk                                                                                  Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza                                                                              Greg Boettger
Mike Hall                                                                                  Susan Brooks
Sharon Hammarlund                                                                    Bill Richards
Jim Hawkins Doug Yenzer

Not in attendance:

Mike Parker

It was requested by Committee member Sharon Hammarlund to have Cody Wickham and Paul Grieger from D.A. Davidson speak with the group regarding the selling of the $76,000,000 in bonds. Mr. Wickham explained to the Committee the difference between selling bonds as bank qualified and non-bank qualified. It was also shared the benefit to the district for selling $10,000,000 in bonds during 2016. D.A. Davidson works closely with Kutak Rock as bond council to review the project list and to make sure the projects correlate with the length of bonds being sold. Mr. Wickman and Mr. Grieger also explained timelines for paying principal and interest, refinancing, and maturity dates of the bonds.

Dr. Rippe distributed prior to the meeting the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee job posting that described the duties of the committee, 2017 Project rationales, Proposed 6 Year Expense Plan, and a timeline from GP Architecture. The Committee also requested at the prior meeting to receive a copy of the Comprehensive Facility Assessment Report that was created 3 years ago by Jacobs.

It was shared with the Committee the Comprehensive Facility Report may show more projects then what the district will be completing. It was determined by the Board and through community forums to determine what projects have been included in the Master Facility Plan that will be completed with the bond funds.

Ralph Gladbach explained to the Committee the safety issues and urgency to replace the football fields at both Bellevue East and West high schools. Also, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality is offering a waste reduction and recycling grant that allows up to a 25% reimbursement for using recycled products if approved.

A discussion was also held regarding the Bellevue East, LeMay, Bertha Barber, and Twin Ridge projects. Bellevue East continues to be a high priority, but will take time due the complexity of the projects, bidding, contractors, etc. The process is underway for Bellevue East. The other three schools will be closed this summer to complete projects. These schools all had high priority items and have the ability relocate students attending summer school to another building close to their homes. Staff members will be reassigned to other buildings as well.

The Committee will meet again on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Welcome Center to prepare their recommendation for the Board meeting that will be held on Monday, February 6th.

Tricia Richards, Board Secretary