January 30, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes January 30, 2017

Attendance:                                                                             Others in Attendance:

Bill Baldwin                                                                            Jeff Rippe, Superintendent
Tom Birk                                                                                Ralph Gladbach, GPR Architecture
John Carozza                                                                          Tricia Richards, Secretary
Mike Hall
Sharon Hammarlund
Jim Hawkins
Mike Parker
Doug Yenzer

The meeting began at 5:05 p.m.

There was a discussion held on the responsibilities of the Bond Oversight Committee. The committee will meet monthly or need be for the duration of the bond implementation. These meetings will be open to the public. The primary function of the committee will be to advise the Board and the Superintendent to ensure the bond implementation is:

  • Completed consistent with the promises made to the community
  • Managed within the appropriate scope, budget, and schedule
  • Consistent with the needs of the district and in support of the district’s Facilities Master Plan
  • Being properly communicated to the community

Dr. Rippe reminded the committee there will be the bond website that will give updates of projects, reporting, and minutes of the meetings. This will help the district with its commitment to being transparent with the bond issue to the public. Dr. Rippe also shared when the district is ready to sell bonds in 2017, D.A. Davidson will present the information to the Board during a board meeting. The Board will make the final decision on selling of the bonds. This will then be communicated to the public.

Ralph Gladbach shared the complexity of the Bellevue East project. This project is a top priority. If approved by the School Board during the February 6th Board meeting, Mr. Gladbach will start to accept request for proposals from outside companies. The district will then work with Mr. Gladbach to interview the companies, so next steps can begin. The engineering and planning are scheduled to begin the summer of 2017. Dr. Rippe clarified the bonds that will be sold in 2017, will be primarily used to fund the Bellevue East project. It was also explained the bonds that were sold in 2016 will be used for technology throughout the district, projects at LeMay, Bertha Barber, and Twin Ridge Elementary Schools, the football fields at both high schools, and the transportation white fleet.

The Committee requested a copy of the technology plan for the district, along with the replacement plan for devices. Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology will present the plan to the School Board during the meeting on February 6th. A copy will be sent to the Committee. If the wireless plan is approved by the School Board, it will go out for bid. For devices the district has decided to continue with Apple products. This will not go out for bid, since the district can only work directly with Apple per their requirements. It was asked if teachers will receive training on the iPad’s. It is in the technology plan for all teachers to complete training during the summer. The model shows the 1:1 iPad’s will be distributed by teacher, not building.

Mr. Gladbach gave an update that a company from Kansas City is assessing all the building roofs. Once this is completed, the company will compile a priority list of which buildings are in need of a new roof or work. Depending on the results, the original project list may need adjustments.

Bill Baldwin asked is the district is looking to apply for Performance Contracting Funds. Dr. Rippe did explain the district is researching this for future projects that will not be covered under the $76,000,000 in bond funds. The district is also developing a plan for future projects and how to manage funds for the long term when the bond money is depleted.

The Committee determined they will not appoint a chair at this time.

The Bond Oversight Committee meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Bellevue Public Schools Welcome Center.