March 30, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes March 30, 2017

Attendance:                                                                             Others in Attendance:

Bill Baldwin                                                                            Jeff Rippe, Superintendent
Tom Birk                                                                                 Ralph Gladbach, GPR Architecture
John Carozza                                                                          Tricia Richards, Secretary
Mike Hall                                                                                Greg Boettger
Sharon Hammarlund                                                           Rich Casey
Jim Hawkins                                                                          Bill Richards
Mike Parker
Doug Yenzer

The meeting began at 5:00 p.m.

The Bellevue Public School District held a special meeting with the Bond Oversight Committee to share the bids for Life Safety/HVAC upgrade packages, Door Access Control and Video Surveillance, and field turf replacement projects.

Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared with the Committee the bids received for Door Access Control and Video Surveillance for LeMay, Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge and Bellevue East. There were two bids received that are licensed in Genetec systems which the district currently uses. Mr. Boettger shared the costs with and without storage for the video surveillance. With storage means the individual buildings would have a separate server to hold the recordings and without means the videos would be held on a central server at the BPS Welcome Center. It was determined for the three elementary schools the recording would be housed on a central server for 20 days. Bellevue East will have a server at their building to hold the video recordings.

Mr. Boettger explained the current push button door access system that is used to enter the buildings. It was determined the buildings will be upgraded to a card access system that is more secure versus having a code to enter the building. After a review of both bids, it will be recommended to the Board on Monday, April 3rd to accept the bid from Prime Communications. All projects are under budget.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture presented the projects and bids for the Life Safety/HVAC upgrades for LeMay, Bertha Barber, and Twin Ridge. There were five bids received for each building. Mr. Gladbach explained what was included in each bid from the contractors and if there was a cost difference compared to the initial review by Jacobs three years ago. The bids were comparable to what was projected.

It will be recommended to the Board to accept the bid from TIJ Construction to handle the projects at LeMay. It will also be recommended to accept the bid from Ray Martin Company to complete projects at both Bertha Barber and Twin Ridge. If approved by the Board projects are scheduled from May 25th thru August 4th.

Mr. Gladbach then proceeded to share information on the Bellevue East and Bellevue West field turf replacement. Even though there was interest in the project, there was only one bid that was received from Midwest Field Turf. The bid received was approximately 25% less than originally projected. Once the fields have been installed the district will then apply for the grants post construction for approximately $150,000.00 in rebates. If approved by the Board the work for Bellevue West will begin April 25th and completed by the end of May. Then Bellevue East will begin work on June 1st and completed by July 15th. Arrangements have been made for athletics/activities that take place on the fields to temporarily utilize other buildings and districts.

The Committee asked for an update on the roof analysis by Roofing Solutions from Overland Park, Kansas. Greg Boettger proceeded to share the district has only received two reviews, but are expecting more in the near future. Once all reviews have been received buildings will be completed in priority order.

Ralph Gladbach reviewed the BPS Bond website that has been created for all projects. The website will be accessed from a link through the BPS District website. Information that will be shared on the site will be projects per building, minutes, reporting, highlights of projects, minutes from the Bond Oversight Committee meetings, public feedback, etc. The Committee made a few suggestions for the website that Mr. Gladbach documented and will discuss with the website creator. The district will share with the Committee any public feedback that is received through the website.

The Committee will give a brief update to the Board during the meeting on Monday, April 3rd.

Dr. Rippe thanked the Bond Oversight Committee for attending the meeting. The Committee decided at this time there will not be a meeting on April 20th, unless needed. Mr. Gladbach will continue to update the Committee on projects. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards