May 18, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes May 18, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
 Bill Baldwin  Jeff Rippe
 Tom Birk  Ralph Gladbach
 John Carozza  Tricia Richards
 Mike Hall  Greg Boettger
 Sharon Hammarlund  Susan Brooks
 Jim Hawkins
 Mike Parker
 Doug Yenzer

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Bellevue West High School.

Paul Grieger from D.A. Davidson joined the meeting to present the information for selling the next set of bonds. The district would like to sell $30,000,000 in bonds during 2017 to begin the projects slated for 2018. D.A. Davidson will present the recommendation to the Board at the June 5th Board meeting. Once the bonds are sold, the district again has 3 years to use the funds.

There was an update on the first $10,000,000 in bonds that were sold in December 2016, will be used by August 2017 on the projects in progress.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture gave an update on the boiler and life/safety projects taking place at Bertha Barber, LeMay, and Twin Ridge. The Bertha Barber and LeMay projects will begin on May 26th once the buildings are closed for the summer. At Twin Ridge the boilers have been removed and the new boilers have been set. There was asbestos found at Twin Ridge that will be removed.

The Bellevue West field turf replacement is underway and should be completed by June 1st.

Midwest Field Turf will then move to Bellevue East to begin work that is scheduled to be completed by July 14th. Mr. Gladbach gave an update on the NDEQ Grant for the field turf. When the fields were replaced in 2006, it was discovered there was not a rebate application submitted, so the district will receive $200,000 back from the NDEQ. These funds will be kept separate from bond proceeds. Also, once both of the fields are completed, the grant application will be submitted for the new fields. There is a potential for a $150,000 rebate, which would be put back into the bond fund account.

Mr. Gladbach is waiting for pay request from both vendors working on Bertha Barber and LeMay. These request would be to pay for bond cost, insurance cost and preliminary work that have been completed, so there will be a delay in paying the vendors. Once those are received, the requests will be submitted to the Board for their approval to be paid.

The roof inspections have been completed on all the buildings, which was paid for from the general fund budget and not bond proceeds. It has been determined from the analysis that Bellevue West and Leonard Lawrence are a high priority for partial roof replacements. At this time the roofs will have the areas of greatest concern fixed first, then eventually will have other sections complete when it does not impact student learning. Mr. Gladbach will be asking the Board at the June 5th Board meeting for approval to accept bids for the partial roof replacements.

The Request for Qualifications has been released for the engineering services to select a mechanical/electrical engineering firm to look at the HVAC system updates for Bellevue East High School. The deadline for RFQ’s will be June 1st. A selection committee will be formed to review the RFQ’s and narrowed down to 3-4 firms to be interviewed for the project. The committee will consist of Mr. Gladbach, administrators, maintenance, HVAC technicians, an

Oversight Committee Member and a staff member. Mike Parker was selected from the Oversight Committee to be the representative. It was also discussed that a 3rd party commissioning agent will be hired by Mr. Gladbach to verify the Bellevue East project.

Mr. Boettger shared that all administrators and certified staff have received their new devices. He explained part of the technology plan is that each new IPad will need a case, stylists, applications and headphones that will be purchased. Mr. Boettger also shared the district will purchase televisions, DVD players and rover carts as needed when the current audio visual systems are no longer working. With the lack of storage this will take place over time.

A discussion was held on budgeting for the future. Dr. Rippe explained how Impact Aid, Special Education funding and State Aid is determined each year.

Mr. Gladbach continues to update the BPS Bond website with pictures and progress reports. This will continue to be an ongoing project. Mr. Gladbach will have the cost/expenditures report updated prior to the June Board meeting.

The committee adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m., then proceeded to the Bellevue West football field to see the progress that is being made. Mr. Gladbach gave a brief overview of the process to replace the field turf. The next meeting for the Oversight Committee will be Thursday, June 15th. The location is yet to be determined.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards