July 25, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes July 25, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
 Bill Baldwin  Dr. Jeff Rippe
 Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
 John Carozza Greg Boettger
 Mike Hall  Robert Moore
 Sharon Hammarlund  Amanda Oliver
 Mike Parker Phil Davidson
 Doug Yenzer  Sarah Centineo
 Doug Cook
 Not In Attendance
 Jim Hawkins

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at LeMay Elementary School.

Dr. Rippe started the meeting by clarifying with the Committee how there was a change in the lease/purchase device agreement with Apple. This was also shared during the July 10, 2017 Board of Education Meeting. At the time of the original agreement it was not identified that bond funds have stipulations when used for leases. Once this was identified and reviewed by attorneys from Apple and D.A. Davidson, the district decided to pay the lease in full in the amount of $1,956,989.09. This was a cost savings of $28,801.51 in interest over the life of the lease. Apple also waived the 2% early payoff fee. The Committee continues to be concerned about using bond funds to purchases devices that have a life expectancy of 4-6 years. In the original bond language, it was determined that technology was approved to be purchased

Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology, shared most of the buildings have been updated with new wireless technology. Mr. Boettger has worked with Cox Communications to update wiring in the buildings. This was paid for by the district general fund account.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture gave an update on the projects taking place at Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge, LeMay, Bellevue East and Bellevue West Schools.

Bertha Barber – The fire/sprinkler main has been installed and tested. By the end of July this should be approved by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Gladbach shared there was a small issue with the fan coils on the chiller. When the chiller was transported one of the coils was damaged. Mr. Gladbach has contacted Train for a replacement coil, which should arrive by the end of August. The manufacture does understand this is a high priority with school starting. There will not be any cost associated with the replacement. The contractor is anticipating projects to be completed by August 4th.

Twin Ridge – Mr. Gladbach updated the Committee that the fin tubes that were on order have arrived a week ahead of schedule. These should be completed by August 4th. The majority of the fire/sprinkler piping has been completed. The chiller unit was started on July 12th and the air conditioning system is working properly. The electrical panel in the elevator equipment room will be relocated per the State Elevator Inspector. Originally it was thought the fire alarm would need to be replaced but was determined there was enough capacity to handle the new devices.

LeMay – The fire/sprinkler piping is complete and has passed inspection. The chiller unit is scheduled to start-up on August 1st. The contractor is anticipating work to be completed prior to school starting. Mr. Gladbach gave updates on a few of the change orders, which there are contingencies in place to cover the costs.

Field Turf – Mr. Gladbach shared both field turf’s are complete and fully functioning with activities.

Bellevue West Roofing – There was a preconstruction meeting on July 18th. The materials for the project will arrive by early September. The administration has been working on a plan to move classes around to lessen the impact on student learning during the roof replacement. The anticipated completion date is the end of October.

Leonard Lawrence – A preconstruction meeting was held on July 18th. The contractor has already begun tearing off shingles. Minimal damage was done to the roof from the recent storms. Work is scheduled to begin on the flat surfaces by September 1st once the materials arrive. The contractor anticipates the project will be completed by the end of October. The building is expected to be fully functioning prior to the students arriving with minimal work to complete.

Roof Top Ventilation for Welding Booths at Bellevue West – Mr. Boettger explained the issues with these roof top ventilators which are part of the mechanical system. These units are in need of being replaced, which are currently causing leaking problems on the roof. Mr. Boettger will ask the Board for approval to solicit bids for the project during the August 7th Board of Education Meeting. This project would fall under the bond language.

Pay Request – Mr. Gladbach received pay requests for LeMay, Twin Ridge, Bertha Barber and the final requests for the field turfs. These will be paid thru the district warrants and not presented to the Board for approval. This process was determined at the July, 2017 Board Meeting.

Bellevue East HVAC – Mr. Gladbach continues to receive proposals for the 3rd party Commissioning Services to oversee the Bellevue East HVAC system upgrade. These proposals will be presented to the Board of Education in the near future. Advanced Engineering Services has started preliminary field work on the building and systems at Bellevue East.

Safety/Security at Leonard Lawrence – Mr. Boettger gave an update on the upgrades for Leonard Lawrence safety/security to ensure the safety of the roof. He will propose a bid to the Board for their approval to have the work completed.

Transportation – All the white fleet vehicles have been received, along with 2 of the 10 buses that have been ordered. So far the district has been impressed with the first impression of the International buses. The next round of vehicles will be purchased in November, 2017, but will not be received or paid for until the summer of 2018.

BPS Bond Website – Mr. Gladbach will continue to update the website by building. Also, there will be a separate tab for roofing projects. Mr. Gladbach will update the financials as well once he works with Susan Brooks, Director of Fiscal Affairs.

The Committee took a tour to see the work that has been completed at LeMay. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, August 17th. The location is yet to be determined.