August 17, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes August 17, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Mike Hall Amanda Oliver
Sharon Hammarlund Sarah Centineo
Jim Hawkins Doug Cook
 Not In Attendance
Mike Parker
Doug Yenzer

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Leonard Lawrence Elementary School.

Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology gave an update on technology. The installation of the wireless is in the finishing stages with just a few adjustments with students now connecting. The first round of IPad training will be taking place for teachers in September with about 500 IPads deployed at that time. During the September Board of Education meeting, Mr. Boettger will give an update to the Board on devices that need to be purchased for teachers that are scheduled to be trained on the IPads in January. Also, the storms this summer caused problems with switches on the servers at the Welcome Center, which in turn continues to cause issues with the secretary’s computers. Mr. Boettger had a temporary fix for these issues, but has decided to move up the date for secretaries to receive new wireless devices. This was included in the original technology plan. Mr. Boettger shared there should be at least 4 more times where the district will need to order technology devices.

Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture gave an update on the projects taking place at Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge, LeMay, Bellevue East and Bellevue West Schools.

Bertha Barber – The majority of the work was completed by the time students arrived on the first day of school. The contractor has been working during non-school hours to complete the cosmetic parts of the projects. Once those are all finished, a review of the final punch list will be completed. Mr. Gladbach shared the coil for the chiller unit that was damaged has arrived. The tentative install date will be September 15th. This will not impact students or learning, as the district does not have school due to it is a Professional Learning/Professional Work Time for teachers.

Twin Ridge – The majority of the work was completed by the time students arrived on the first day of school. There are just a few cosmetic items that are being completed. Due to the depth of the new fin tubes, adjustments have been made to cover the exposed piping at the valve locations. The heating system is not active, so this is not a danger to the students. Also, the fire/sprinkler piping in the boiler room was completed on August 17th. A final punch list will be reviewed with the contractor.

LeMay – There was a small leak in one of the new unit ventilators so a replacement coil has been ordered. There has not been any impact to the students or learning environment. Also, there was an issue with the chiller unit where piping needed to be replaced. This was done at the cost of the manufacturer and not the district. The lights around the perimeter of the building have been replaced with LED lights.

West High Roofing – The materials will arrive by the first week of September. The contractor will start with the flat areas of the roof first. Also, the contractor has been working with the West administration to make sure there is minimal impact to students and the learning environment.

Leonard Lawrence – The shingled areas are approximately 95% complete. The flat roof is expected to begin work the week of August 28th. The roofing project is scheduled to be completed by mid-to-late October.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation Project – It was approved at the August Board of Education meeting for the district to solicit bids for two new rooftop exhaust units for the welding booths at Bellevue West. Once the bids are received on August 29th, they will be sent to the Committee to review and discuss. They will then be presented to the Board at the October Board of Education meeting. A discussion was held to look into other possible options for replacing the exhaust units.

Pay Requests – Mr. Gladbach will be submitting two pay requests for Ray Martin for work at Bertha Barber which is 90% complete and Twin Ridge which is 86% complete. There is a 10% retainage cost on all projects that will be held until the project punch lists are completed.

Bellevue East HVAC –Continued discussions and walkthroughs are taking place with AES to finalize the design contract. The information will be shared with the administration and Bond Oversight Committee. AES will then make a presentation to the Board at the October Board of Education meeting.

Mr. Gladbach gave an update on the commissioning agent. A Request for Proposal will go out in the next few weeks. There will then be a committee to determine the commissioning agent, which Mr. Gladbach will present a recommendation to the Board at the October Board of Education meeting. A request was asked that Mike Parker from the Bond Oversight Committee be part of the committee for the selection of the commissioning agent due to his work experience.

Transportation – The district is still waiting on a few buses that were ordered last year. There has been positive feedback on the new buses. Rich Casey, Director of Transportation will present at an upcoming meeting a proposal to the Board for approval to order additional buses and white fleet.

BPS Bond Website – The BPS Bond website continues to be updated every 2-3 weeks. It was requested to start listing the scope of projects that will start at other buildings within the district.

Field Turf – Mr. Gladbach is working on compiling all the paperwork necessary to submit the grant application for the field turfs at both high schools. This must be completed by February 2018. The district will then be notified in May or June 2018 if the grant was approved.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. They then proceeded to take a tour to see the issues with the roof at Leonard Lawrence. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, September 21st. The location is yet to be determined.


Board Secretary, Tricia Richards