September 21, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes September 21, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Mike Hall Amanda Oliver
Sharon Hammarlund Sarah Centineo
Jim Hawkins Doug Cook
Mike Parker Phil Davidson
Doug Yenzer Staff Members

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at Bellevue East High School.

Vishal Khanna, Matt Benes, and Steve Jensen from Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) presented to the Committee different options for the mechanical/electrical systems updates at Bellevue East. Mr. Khanna gave an overview of rooftop units, air handling units with chillers and boilers, water cooled heat pumps, geo-thermal heat pump, and variable refrigerated flow systems. A cost analysis comparing each option was presented for the installed cost, first year utility cost, first year maintenance cost, and life cycle cost. These costs do not include the demolition and construction costs. Mr. Khanna also shared the positive and negative aspects of the systems. This same information will be presented to the Board during the October 9th Board meeting.

Matt Benes reviewed with the Committee how the units would be placed throughout the building and how many units would be needed. It was also discussed the location of the rooftop units.

Steven Jensen gave an update on the impact the new systems would have on the current electrical supply, along with updates that are needed. It was also shared the electrical cost is separate from the unit cost that Mr. Khanna presented.

It was determined the variable refrigerated flow system (VRF) and some rooftop units would be the best option for the Bellevue East project. Based on the review of options for upgrading of the HVAC system, it will be recommended to the Board on October 9th to move ahead with the implementation of a VRF system installation in the main classroom areas in conjunction with roof top units placed for the large common area spaces. It has been projected the Bellevue East project should take approximately 2 years to complete.

Technology Updates – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology gave an update on technology. In the first round of technology purchases, there have been 2810 iPads purchased that have been distributed throughout the district. There are another 2500 that have been budgeted for in the second round of technology needs. Mr. Boettger shared the quote from Apple in the amount of approximately $1,100,000 for these additional iPads, along with the approximate cost of $22,300 to replace desktop Windows machines for Welcome Center, Support Center and Transportation. Mr. Boettger will ask the Board for approval at the October 9th Board meeting to make the additional purchases.

Mr. Gladbach gave an update on the building projects at Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge and LeMay. The punch lists for these buildings have been completed and the contractors are working to finalize projects, so the project can be closed out. Once completed, final payment will be made to the contractor.

It was determined the wrong coil type replacement was shipped to LeMay, so Trane performed a temporary fix until the correct coil is received. This is expected to be fixed by mid-October.

Bellevue West Roofing – Work is currently progressing on the roof replacement at Bellevue West. The project is on track to be completed by the end of October. During the September, 2017 Board meeting the Board approved the district to proceed with the rooftop curb extension work that needs to be completed in preparation for the welding booths. Mr. Gladbach is working with Controlled Comfort, Inc. to get this work coordinated with the roofing contractor.

Leonard Lawrence – The flat roof work was temporarily on hold due to the contractor finishing up another large project, along with waiting for supplies to arrive. The supplies arrived and work continued on September 19th.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation Project – When the bids were received in August and approximately $100,000 over budget, the district put the project on hold. Mr. Boettger has researched other options and discussed these with the shop teachers. He will be working with the vendor to find the most cost efficient way to replace the rooftop units. This project will not take place until the Spring of 2018.

Safety and Security Updates – Mr. Boettger shared the safety and security updates have been completed for Bertha Barber, Twin Ridge and LeMay. The updates to Leonard Lawrence should begin in the next 30 days. Also, the cameras have been installed at Bellevue East and training will begin on the system.

Transportation – Mr. Gladbach gave an update on behalf of Rich Casey, Director of Transportation. Mr. Casey will be asking the Board for approval at the October 9th Board meeting to purchase additional buses and white fleet that are budgeted for in 2018.

BPS Bond Website – Mr. Gladbach will update the website with final building project information.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, October 19th. The location is yet to be determined.


Board Secretary, Tricia Richards