October 19, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes October 19, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Mike Hall Sarah Centineo
Sharon Hammarlund Doug Cook
Jim Hawkins Phil Davidson
Mike Parker
Doug Yenzer

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at the BPS Welcome Center.

Bellevue East HVAC Project – Ralph Gladbach from GP Architecture shared the Board of Education approved at the October 9th meeting for Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) to move forward with the system design of a VRF system and rooftop units for Bellevue East. The estimated timeframe for the bid documents to be ready will be late January or February, 2018. Work on the project is planned to start the summer, 2018. Mr. Gladbach will follow up with AES regarding the cost of removing the existing ventilation system and report back to the Committee.

Bellevue East Gym Roof – It was brought to the attention of the BPS staff there was significant leaks in the Bellevue East North gym roof. This has caused minimal damage to the gym floor. After reviewing the roof report that was completed on all buildings, it was determined the North gym roof was a high priority. It was approved at the October 9th Board meeting for Mr. Gladbach to solicit bids to replace the roof over the North gym. These bids are scheduled to be submitted and then reviewed at the next Bond Oversight Committee meeting in November.

Technology – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology gave an update on technology. It was approved at the October 9th Board meeting for Mr. Boettger to purchase additional iPads and desktop units for the district. Due to limited storage only part of the devices have been ordered at this time. Mr. Boettger also shared there will be 25 teachers who have completed the training for iPads and will be receiving their classrooms devices on October 26th and 27th.

The punch lists for Bertha Barber, LeMay and Twin Ridge are intended to be complete by the end of October. Mr. Gladbach would then be able to close out these projects with the contractors.

Leonard Lawrence – Mr. Gladbach met with the contractor 10 Men Roofing on October 16th for an update on the project. The project is about 80% complete with 95% of the shingle roof done. The wall panel installation, trim and flashing work will be completed about the same time of the flat roofing. The entire project is on schedule to be completed by the end of October, which was within the time frame allocated.

Bellevue West Roofing – The roofing project at Bellevue West is still underway on the north end of the building. Once completed, the contractor will move to the shop and pool areas. The roof above the nurse’s office will be completed on a weekend, so it does not impact the area during the school day. Mr. Gladbach will continue to work with the contractors and building administration to coordinate the install of the curb extensions. The curb extensions will be completed by Controlled Comfort.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation Project – Mr. Gladbach has been working with Ray Martin who was the low bidder for the different options for the ventilation project at Bellevue West. Based on the original bid that was $100,000 more than expected for ERV units, the district has researched MAU’s which is more cost effective. The Committee held a discussion on the project and would like for a third option to be researched. A few of the Committee members requested to meet with Mr. Gladbach and administrators at Bellevue West to review the welding booths that are being discussed.

Pay requests for Leonard Lawrence and Bellevue West will be submitted for approval at the November 9th Board meeting.

Safety and Security – The wiring for safety and security is being completed at Leonard Lawrence.

Transportation – It was approved at the October 9th Board meeting for the district to solicit bids for 4 new buses and 3 new white fleet vehicles. Once the bids are received by Rich Casey, Director of Transportation they will be presented to the Committee before going to the Board for approval.

The Committee asked if plans are underway for 2018 summer projects. There have been discussions with Mr. Gladbach and the district on what three elementary buildings will begin projects. This will be an agenda item at the next Bond Oversight Committee meeting, along with roof projects for 2018.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, November 16th at the BSP Welcome Center.


Board Secretary, Tricia Richards