December 19, 2017


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes December 19, 2017

Attendance Others In Attendance
Bill Baldwin Dr. Jeff Rippe
Tom Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Greg Boettger
Mike Hall Sarah Centineo
Sharon Hammarlund Doug Cook
Mike Parker Phil Davidson
Doug Yenzer Bill Richards
Robert Moore
 Not In Attendance Amanda Oliver
 Jim Hawkins

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. at the BPS Welcome Center.

Bellevue East HVAC – Advanced Engineering Systems (AES) is proceeding with preliminary plans for the design development upgrades of the mechanical systems at Bellevue East. AES will be presenting updates to the district administration, Bellevue East administration and Bond Oversight Committee in early January. This will be a separate meeting from the regularly scheduled Bond Oversight Committee meeting. Bid documents should be ready by late January or early February, 2018 to be distributed.

GP Architecture received four proposals for the 3rd party commissioning agent for the Bellevue East project. Mr. Gladbach, administrators and Mike Parker from the Bond Oversight Committee will have informal interviews with each of the Building Commissioning Engineers on December 21st. During these interviews the district would like to get a better feel for what is being proposed by the companies for the anticipated fees and scope of work that will be provided. The review committee will then make a decision on the Building Commissioning Engineer before presenting to the Board at the January 8th Board meeting.

Bellevue East North Gym Roof – During the December 4th Board meeting the Board awarded 10 Men Roofing with the contract to replace the roof over the north gym at Bellevue East. Materials will be ordered and pending weather conditions, work should begin by the end of February, 2018.

Technology – Greg Boettger, Director of Facilities and Technology shared there weren’t any major updates or large purchases of technology at this time.

Bertha Barber, LeMay and Twin Ridge projects are in the final stages of the punch list work that needs to be completed. The work that is to be completed will not impact students or learning. Also, Mr. Gladbach is waiting for the pay requests from the vendors.

LeMay – During shipping there were two fan coil unit covers that were damaged. The contractor is waiting for delivery to replace the covers.

Bellevue West Roofing – The roofing work has been completed over the shop area except for the ventilation area for the welding hoods. This should be completed in the next few weeks pending weather conditions. The contractor has moved to the area over the pool, which also should be done in the next few weeks.

Leonard Lawrence Roofing – Work continues on the wall panels and final trim work. The contractor estimates work should be completed in the next 10 days.

Bellevue West Shop Ventilation – Mr. Boettger has researched the third option that was presented at the last Oversight Committee meeting, which were portable welding stations. He had a discussion with the shop department head and teachers regarding which option would have less impact on students and cost effective. After a discussion with the Committee it was determined the district would pursue the second option to replace the ventilation with MAU units. This is the most cost effective way to complete the project. The district will ask the Board for approval to move forward with the MAU units at the January 8th Board meeting.

Pay Requests – At the January 8th Board meeting, a pay requests in the amount of $37,800 for Bellevue West will be recommended to be paid.

Bertha Barber, Betz, and Wake Robin Roofs – At the December 4th Board meeting the Board approve GP Architecture to prepare plans and solicit bids for complete roof replacements at the three elementary schools. Once the bids for the buildings are received in January, Mr. Gladbach will present the bids to the Oversight Committee before asking for approval at the February Board meeting.

Peter Sarpy, Twin Ridge, LeMay and Mission Partial Roof Replacements – At the December 4th Board meeting the Board approved GP Architecture to solicit bids for the buildings for partial roof replacements. These bids are expected back prior to the February Bond Oversight Committee meeting. Mr. Gladbach will then ask the Board for approval to proceed with the contractor at the March Board meeting.

Avery – It was approved at the December 4th Board meeting to solicit bids for Life Safety/HVAC upgrades at Avery. After reviewing the building, it was determined a few minor modifications to the scope of work is recommended. There is the possibility of redesigning the front vestibule, revamping the front office and enclosing the stairwells. This is due to security issues. Also, there will need to be updates to the elevator room.

Betz and Peter Sarpy – Mr. Gladbach and Mr. Boettger have worked with AES to get preliminary figures to replace the current boilers and chillers at the two buildings with VRF systems. This project would be similar to Bellevue East, but on a much smaller scale. Mr. Boettger shared information from AES for the installed cost, first year utility cost, first year maintenance cost and 30-year life cycle cost on a VRF system. It was requested by Doug Cook to get a 50-year life cycle cost to be consistent with the Bellevue East project. The total cost for this project would be approximately $2,323,420. If approved by the Board, only a portion of the project would be paid for with bond funds and the remaining would be funded by the building and sight fund. These projects would not need a selection committee. If the Board would approve the project, Mr. Gladbach will work with DA Davidson for the legal purposes of the transaction.

2018 Projects – Mr. Boettger presented a list of bond projects that are slated for 2018 and projects that will be postponed until 2019.

Lied Center – Bill Richards, Director of Grounds and Activities attended the meeting to give an update on replacing the floor and track at the Lied Center. After researching different options, it was determined the Mondo surface would be the most cost effective and durable surface for the four courts and track.

BPS Bond Website – Mr. Gladbach updated the Committee on the BPS Bond website and the addition of new reports that will uploaded into the website. Also, the current and new projects will be updated for each building.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m. The next Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be Thursday, January 18th at Avery Elementary School.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards